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Everything posted by KGCxKING


    Hi need help with dayz

    Ya just download it then under Install tap at the top select the mod you want to install and play, then when its done search for a server to play on :)

    LooKing for more to play with

    Just started a Clan, if you guys are looking for that sort of thing, then message me on Skype: KGCxKING

    Looking For A Clan To Join?

    Hit me up on the TS:, or add me on skype: KGCxKING

    Looking to play with people on dayz

    Skype: KGCxKING, Im in the US, just letting ya know, not sure where you are

    Dead Topic

    No longer up Anything with a slash through it will be added back in.

    Dead Topic

    Base Building is Working Sarge AI was takin out, will be added back in Auto Refuel works at Pumps but not Tanks Self blood is broken form installing Base Building Self Blood will be worked on Take Clothes is broken but will be re added

    Looking for a private server., It's Overwatch

    Hfb-Hosting Dayz 2017

    Set it up using the Custom Mod option,

    Dead Topic

    *Bump*, also I'm currently working on Base Building for the Server.
  10. KGCxKING

    Dead Topic

  11. KGCxKING

    Dead Topic

    I just don't see the point in having 5 Vehicles per person, especially since some are basically rolling tanks in overwatch :/, not many shit cars either since I set up the vehicle types. Edit: and another reason i do it is it give people a reason to hunt others down if they for some reason want to have 5 vehicles. Edit: 96 Vehicles now
  12. KGCxKING

    Dead Topic

    Come one some one's gotta like this :/
  13. KGCxKING

    Dead Topic

  14. KGCxKING

    Need Help with DayZPriv Things

    DayZ has gone through some harsh updates lately, so the loot tables might just be crap to be honest, Rocket's changed a lot of things, I know other mods have a well built loot table but I wont be able to help with the normal DayZ mod since i haven't played it in quite some time, and 4 ppl is enough to spawn some pretty decent stuff
  15. KGCxKING

    Need Help with DayZPriv Things

    1. what mod are you running 2. Loot in the dayZ mods is defined by the amount of players on the map, more players, more loot spawning 3. Editing server loot, isn't the easiest thing unless you've been doing it for a while
  16. I'm only 18 but if you can't find a decent server you can give mine a try: a small amount of ppl are on for the most part but even if not I've got AI so that'll give you some PVP footage at the least, Its down atm for maintenance but it should be up in the next 10-20 min, if anything come by sometime and tell me what you think. Have a nice day. :)
  17. KGCxKING

    Dayz.st, vilayer, hfb servers, etc etc etc

    Unfortunately There is not yet, sorry
  18. ========================================= Azeral's Custom DayZ Server ========================================= Hello everyone, I run a active DayZ server on Chernarus, If you'd like to join Just put the IP into your DayZ commander and come have fun! But Before you do we have a few rules to keep some things balanced ========================================= Server Rules ========================================= 1. Most likely the only people who will be friendly to you are the one's you brought with you. 2. You are on your own, NO admins will help you, not until you are a regular and only if you have a very good reason. 3. All loot on there server is free game no matter where it is, in a base, in a tent or on a body. 4. Please don't destroy Tents, stashes, or vehicles(unless in firefight), however you may loot them to your hearts content. 5. & last but not least DONT hide body's unless you have taken every bit of loot on them, "One man's junk is another man's Treasure". ========================================= Server Information ========================================= IP address: *PVP *Debug Soon *Active admins *Sarge AI *Custom AI weapons *Extra Vehicle types *Custom Chernarus map *Auto-Refuel soon ========================================== There's not many, but A.I. will Shoot on Site, so don't expect them to be friendly,
  19. Not yet man, I'm hoping i can work on it tonight, I've had a busy day
  20. KGCxKING

    New server troubles

    Open your root for your dayZ location, It should be something like this : C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\@DayZ, and just delete your @DayZ folder, then re-install it
  21. HAHAHAHA Nice on A, I saw you on the sever and generally yes they do move around the map, quite a lot, but I have there spawn extremely low, the number of players/vehicles in the area doesn't affect Sarge A.I., It's a pure matter of how many i have spawned in the configuration files. I'm going to do a massive increase then turn them down afterwards so players don't get constantly raped
  22. KGCxKING

    Help me please

    Depends on how much money you've got really, If you add me on skype: KGCxKING I don't mind talking to you about it
  23. A.I. Will have an Increased spawn as of tomorrow. It's been two low and no one is able to find an A.I.
  24. KGCxKING

    Cant login to any dayz server

    What's the exact message that you get?