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About opec666

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    On the Coast

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  1. opec666

    Ivan & Martin Free on bail

    The BBC article said they would have to face trial sometime this year, after the judges come back from being on strike. They live in the EU unfortunately. As we have learned with Julian Assange with Britain and Sweden, the individual has few protections when it comes to defending themselves from bizarre politics of backwards countries like Greece or Sweden.
  2. opec666

    Ivan & Martin Free on bail

    cool news. I didn't even know this forum existed. I didn't see a thread about this in DayZ discussion so I made one -- which was promptly deleted. Couldn't someone have at least locked the thread, to redirect users? Aren't these guys at least a little bit DayZ-related? edit: this thread is now in announcements. nice
  3. opec666

    Ivan & Martin Free on bail

    http://www.helpivanm...n-free-on-bail/ Looks like their longer-than-expected vacation to Greece is finally over with! I'm sure they're eager to spend some time with family and friends, then maybe From last week's update:
  4. opec666

    BattlEye: WinAPI Failure #13

    I get that #13 winapi error now too. I thought it was a problem with my client, but if it's suddenly happening to other people I figure it must be on battleye's end. I was first kicked because battleye failed to update itself in-game. I downloaded the latest BE .dll files from their site and put them in both arma2 and arma2oa BE folders. After trying to connect, I got kicked for the #13 winapi error. I just re-installed arma2 and dayz through dayzcommander and I am connected just fine now.