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Everything posted by Imafighter

  1. If you're a good survivor, you shouldn't need 12000 blood. Only the 4.5k blood normal ArmA II has. So why does DayZ have 12000 blood?
  2. Imafighter

    yeah download klient

    You don't neccessarily need DayZCommander, you can also you PlayWithSix. But thats up to you.
  3. Imafighter

    Is this guy cheating?

    Get on and get a hatchet and start a-swinging in Sabina?
  4. Imafighter

    Is this guy cheating?

    What are points in DayZ? I thought this was a surviving game, not a getting points game.
  5. Imafighter

    Starting DayZero Squad Be experienced and 14+

    Haven't played DayZero, actually, though I know Chernarus by heart. What is in DayZero that is different from the original mod?
  6. Servers like this make me cry. What happened to the good old vanilla Namalsk?
  7. Imafighter

    Namalsk: survival guide. [UPD3]

    Its sad that all the popular servers are self-bloodbag start with survival gear now. :(
  8. What exactly is the difference?
  9. Imafighter

    Why do you need 12000 blood?

    ...who are you?
  10. Imafighter

    Long guns not worth it

    I'm the guy you'll find running around Cherno with a Lee Enfield firing at as many zombies as I can. When I'm out of ammo, I pull out my trusty Hatchet, wait at the top of some stairs, and let the bodies roll.
  11. Well, with more people, you do have more ammo, usually. Or just have all melee weapons and make sure you have a good connection to the server.
  12. Imafighter

    New DayZ Loot Spawn Locations??

    Castles now spawn military loot? wat
  13. Imafighter

    Acceptable age to play?

    I don't care. I've met some younger players who are better at the game than some more mature players.
  14. Imafighter

    New Zed mechanics

    Go prone and don't attract zombies. Stop crying because they're actually difficult now.
  15. I absolutely love the sky.
  16. Imafighter

    Zooming out

    Modifying their FOV insid the game files.
  17. Imafighter

    Soilder clothing?

    Instead of ressing an uber old thread, how about you just make a new one?
  18. Imafighter

    When is DayZ?

    December 21st, 2012. Obviously, jeeze....
  19. Imafighter

    Guess The Location ! (Chernarus)

    The barn east-ish of Zelenogorsk.
  20. Imafighter

    DayZ will win the day.

    Its ALMOST perfect... You just have too much health. And all this custom crap. And starting loadouts. And skins.
  21. Imafighter

    Guess The Location ! (Chernarus)

  22. Imafighter

    Come play on the Z.A.T.F servers!!

    There is a section for this, known as Private Hive Discussion...
  23. Imafighter

    Why remove the 50?

    DMR = SVD
  24. Imafighter

    Why remove the 50?

    If there is an anti material rifle... I sure wouldn't mind a KSVK! :D
  25. Zombie hookers would be nice, indeed.