Today, I was playing on US 2553 Dallas. I was running on sniper hill in Eletro, I was killed. Once the Screen Said "You are dead" I aborted and changed player slots. Once I logged into a new character in-game. A Pop up appeared and said "Global Ban #D7D4" I have not played with hacks, Nor have I tried to hack. I had all Legit items. All I had was, 2 Suits. 1 Enfield with 5ish Cips. 1 M9. And some food and water. Last night, I was playing on US 153. And was banned from that server for "Aborting while during combat" Which was not correct, Because I had just spawned and Had no items. I am thinking I was wrongfully banned for aborting from the game. But I was in the "You are dead" screen. I am very confused as frustrated. Any help or comments would be amazing Thanks. Kstcanada