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About akozz

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    On the Coast
  1. I don't know if anybody mentioned it before, it's really simple idea. If somebody did than sorry. Molotov Cocktail All you need is empty whiskey bottle and then find some gasoline to fill it + matches to use it. Simple and effective weapon against zombies. Also some other uses of fire in combat would be great sinc pretty much in every single zombie movie there is a sceen where zombies are burning or are fight with some kind of fire.
  2. What this game need is endgame stuff. After one weak of sneaking, running and collecting stuff i have 2 great weapons, tons of ammo, clothes, food, water, all medical stuff i need, tools etc. I found almost all guns in the game, i'm only missing two items to full gear collection gps and NV. And then i can either go to cherno or elektro for some pvp action and probably die or... stop playing. Hunting and living in the forest is fun but not for very long. There is just nothing to do after you collect all gear. All You can do is start PVP, die and start all over again or quit. And while PvP is very fun and DayZ is very popular right now, there must be some endgame gamplay in standalone DayZ. Some long term goal that will keep people playing and trying to get it. Maybe crafting, more locations to explore and some rewarding loot, ability to build something ? Or some system that will reward those who can stay alive for longer ? Let say for each day you survive your character improve in something. Maybe you can run a little faster ? maybe some small health bonus ? don't know, open to discussion. As long as You get reward for playing and staying alive. That would also make people to think twice before they start a fight. You can easily get your gear back on your own or if your friend is there to keep your stuff for you. But You can't get back all those days you survived and all bonuses you obtained.
  3. akozz

    Respawn at the beach and gear loss

    Hello fellows survivors. Weird thing happend to me today. I've logged off this morning somewhere in the north. Then, like a hour or two ago i was trying to log on again for some time due to loading screen freez issue. Finally i menaged to log on to server called: DE 103# ( (CH:ON|3D:ON) (DAYTIME) Hosted by [GDS] and dayzforum.net. How surprised I was when I saw starting screen asking me if I want to create male or female character :o Did I mentioned i megaed to survive 17 days so far ? minding my own business, collecting gear, hunting, sneaking, not murdering a single player even though i had a few perfect sniping opportunities. my gear So instead of choosing gender i smashed my esc a few times in panic hoping to leave this damn server which instead resulted in me spawning as fresh male with starting gear only, somewhere on the beach. Then i alt+ctrl+del and closed game. Logged back again on some other server and all my gear was back :D I do not know what caused this werid bug, was that this server or just DayZ being DayZ.....
  4. akozz

    [1.5.7] Keep Spawning at the Coast

    Ok, this is really, REALLY anoying. I play slowly, collecting gear, sneaking up, avoiding bandits etc. I lost count of how many times after loading screen freez I was spawned at the beach somewhere near cherno, elektro or in the middle of nowhere. Do i have to tell You dear DayZ team how anoying it is ? after many hours of traveling, running, crawling to distand locations i have to start from the beginning... I'm wasting my time running back to locations where i logged off. And there is no way to prevent this. You never know when your loading screen is going to freez. FIX IT !!!!! Because of this bug DayZ is for me currently 95% RUNNING to previous locations, 5% actuall gameplay.... with such proportions it's really not fun at all to play....