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Everything posted by Schonke

  1. Encountered this bug today, but was on the receiving end of it. A player named ManHunter was stuck in limbo on EU20 and kept killing everyone who logged in, so every time you tried to get in you would spawn "dead" unable to move.
  2. Schonke

    DayZ Stories

    The following story took place today on NY4: Me and two friends were heading for the factory outside of Orlovets to meet up with another friend. A couple of grids away we spot a bandit down by the road and about the same time get reports from our friend about another bandit in the compound. After observing their movements for a while we decide to open fire, which would later prove to be the starting moment of a very long standoff. Friend #4 drops a bandit close to the gate while the rest of us open up on the bandit down by the road, uncertain if we hit him or not. We then decide to move to a better over-watch position to be able to better spot and eliminate the hostiles. Our designated marksman and friend #4 both engage the bandit on the roof resulting in a bleeding death for the poor guy. As we continue to scout the area, one of the bandits has managed to circle around our backs and drop one of ours but ended up getting himself killed. After a while of no action I decide to move up and clear the compound from within, quietly crawling my way down the hill and into the compound from the back. I quickly realize we've eliminated all hostiles within the compound so the DMR proceeds down the hill to loot the first bandit we dropped by the road. After checking the corpse one of the bandits gets the drop on him and makes short work of my dear friend, making me (stuck on the factory roof) really jumpy at this point. Around the same time friend #4 starts circling around towards our original over-watch position to try to get the bandit who killed our DMR from behind but running into hostile contact on top of the hill but luckily eliminated the bandit. We scout the area for a while trying to spot the last bandit and I finally spot him by some bushes down by the road, looting the DMR from our dead friend. I let off a couple of slugs in his direction, unfortunately without hitting him. He then decides to advance towards my current position in the factory but as he does so I manage to hit him with a slug, forcing him to cover behind the wall and bandage. At this time, low on blood and pretty shook up, friend #4 decides to make a break for it and runs down the hill towards the compound gate, only to get sniped by the last bandit just before making it through. Last man standing, with an Mp5SD and a shotgun against a lone bandit with a DMR I feel my heart pumping and my thoughts racing at light speed. Where is the bandit? Is he watching my obvious position in the factory? Have the others respawned and run back? What should I do? My earlier shotgun slugs had attracted a fairly large group of zombies coming up the factory stairs so I take my Mp5 out of the backpack and drop them quietly before advancing down the stairs of the factory. I at this moment have no idea where the bandit is, he might even have entered the compound and shot my friend from inside, so I do a quiet crawl/crouch sweep of the area to make sure that it's clear and then set up an ambush spot in case he does decide to enter. I waited for what felt like hours for the bandit to make another appearance but hearing or seeing nothing except for zeds. Realizing that I'm a sitting duck and that the bandits are probably planning an ambush or attack at that very moment I decide to shoulder my trusty Mp5 and exit the factory through the same small hole in the back as I came from. Quietly crawling across the factory yard, through the wall and into a small strip of forest I suddenly catch a glimpse of a bandit crouching in the middle of the field. My heartbeat is racing at this point. This is the guy who killed two of my friends, stole our weapon and items and is now watching the factory, trying to kill me. I feel my boddy filling up with a mixture of hate, anger and excitement that he seems to have no idea where I am. I decide to get closer before going for the kill, engaging at this range with my weapon versus his would be suicide. I try to spot him again but realize that he's gone from my view. Nervous and a bit cautious I proceed to crawl around his last known position, constantly keeping an eye out for any movement or shots fired. After some time I again spot him, this time trying to get into cover to be harder too see. Bad move! With his position clearly noted I proceed to slowly but surely make my way towards it from behind, keeping the bush he's covering in between him and me at all times. My heart beats faster and faster as I realize I'm getting closer and closer with him apparently completely unaware of my current location. When I'm about 15 meters away I hit the crouch button, shoulder my mp5, aim down the barrel and fill his corpse with an entire magazine worth of lead. I quickly hit the deck again, time freezes and my mind is shouting at me; "Is he dead? Did I hit? What if I missed? Did his friends see me?" and then I see it. "Tiba666 has died." It is over. I really want to thank Tiba666 and his other bandit friends (unfortunately I don't remember or know their names, except that one of them had two names, the first one starting with a J) for what, for me, was probably THE most exciting and thrilling moment of DayZ so far and for being very honest opponents!