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Everything posted by XciD

  1. XciD

    This Is A Sad, Sad Day.

    Welcome to club!
  2. What Ive noticed, zeds are aggroing by sight.. So if you run behind them, they dont notice you by sight, only by hearing. And what comes to airfield zeds, they aggro easier since theres a concrete platform that makes you visible very long range... And if you sprint on that concrete, you're going to aggro half Chernarus on you.
  3. XciD

    Brilliant Idea!

    Someone running zeds after him *TZAP* and get some popcorns... Lethal way for non lethal weapon. Its like shooting the legs.
  4. I was in that server like 5min ago, and was checking Elektro. There was 3 players with me [HD] Sky, [HD] Land, and patzi. I was moving using extremely careful tactics, moving next of wall and giving myself a nice coverage around me, while I saw a guy popping out from nowhere just next of me, maybe 5m-10m and started aiming and shooting before I could react well. He was having kevlar helmet with army suit, NV goggles, and SAW. I shot once towards him and after getting hits I sprayed my last 4 shots in to air with my DMR. Wasnt sure did I hit, and I died. Of course he might have been in god mode or something. So, AGAIN maybe 3-4 days work gone with a wind.. Im really really getting annoyed of these kids playing around with cheats. Im already feeling that im more than allowed to use somekind of cheat just to get back my stuff that Ive lost like friggin 10 times to these motherloving dipshits! Just and only the gear that I lost.. I dont need anything else, since I like the way I was equipped. NV's, DMR with 1911 on side, Chillie suit, and just enough surviving stuff like blood and drinks + food. I just hate the fact that im taking really good care about tactics, movement, awareness, and everything, and then after all this happens.
  5. XciD

    EU #404 Hacker

    Yea, chilling with it in bushes. :)
  6. Im running thru fields (players 2/50) and I find tractor. Oh yea, its tme for some countryside style adventure. Im happy and carrying my dear FN/NV scope, and M107 + all that I actually need. I decide to head towards NWAFB and whipping my red, devilishy colored tractor, and then it happens. "BOOOOOOYA BOOM KA-BLAMM!" Tractor wanted to crash into something and I fell off the seat laying unconcious on the ground and my blood is hitting 400... First reaction was total silent, non-movement, fuckamazed, outrageous silent inside weep, and then Im staring the YOU ARE DEAD text. VATTAFAAAK!!! I was staying alive like week and played superslow extracarefull turn every stone real life survival code with seal style camopainting on my face, and realitycheck came and stabbed me into face! Ok, but since Im hardcore gamer, Im not giving up so easily. I respawn and im middle of pitchblack coastline and ofcourse I missed the chernarus loveletter about WHERE you are.. Fuck! Ok, equip flashlight, see some diections.. Woooh, I MAY know where I am.. I start running while im getting split second flashes forward of my yellow waterproof pocketlight. Im running into elektro, and I try to find SOMETHING that may help me to navigate back to my deathscenery. I found compass (parade music) and can of pepsi and beans.. I have no clue which end leaks air faster after that, but im ready to hit the ro.. forest.. I start running, I run and I run some more.. Im about 10min away from the spot im wanting to go like a goddamn knobhead with long tail in my ass. BOOOOMSHAKALAKA! Server restarts by admin. (non scheduled restart) Of course because I am the hardest of the core, Im logging back in after few and holding up my optimistic thoughts (even the reality is fraightning enough) and WISH that my corpse would be there and Im going to hear that so lovely sound of buzzing flies around my smelly carcass. But ofcourse my optimism isnt strong enough to hold it there. Body gone, and so is my stuff.. FAK! After running to NVAFB after that I get another server restart and logging in another server I got threw to debug plains, and to coastline, SIMPLY NOTHING on meh.. Not even that dearest yellow flashlight which kept me going into darkest hour... Sniff.
  7. XciD

    Day Z Urban Legends

    I've heard rumors about good people in the game...
  8. Well just happened to me too, and tried to google about this issue. I had loooong survival career and had L85 AWS, DMR, NV Goggles, Rangefinder, Chillie, and other stuff whats called the top end gear. ALL GONE after logging in server and found myself in debug plains. Logged out immediately in case if someone tries to shoot me there (hackers) and next server, all disappeared. I dont have simply NOTHING on me. Nothing... Pisses me off quite abit.. yes and I got all the gear playing solo.. No help. Fuck sakes. EDIT: No, wait, It seems I still have the Chille... Umm, big deal..
  9. Hi boys and girls! I have encountered a bug which takes you back to the shoreline 3 times in 2 days. Any known reasons to cause it? Like logging out near trees or something? Last night we took a helluva trip from Cherno/Elektro towards north with my friend. We logged out and today tried to come back. I found myself at the shore with all my gear on thankfully enough.. And after I ran back to the spot where my friend was logged out, he got the bug, and I got the same bug again; back to shoreline. Also my friend got send to Skalisty Island with all the superior gear he had (All the items on low slots) and that foolish man tried to swim abck to shore, before I ever had time to warn him about losing the gear.. I noticed that he may tried to swim after he ended his 5min long monology containing pretty much sworing. But hell!!! Im just getting greatly annoyed about this "back to the square one" bug. 3 times already.
  10. XciD

    Back to the shoreline

    So it throws you back to shore and cant get back even using the same version server then? for me its showing same versions from DCommander.