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Everything posted by Sethsmith46

  1. Sethsmith46

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I still need a blood transfusion in the NW air field fire station.
  2. Sethsmith46

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I need a blood transfusion in the fire house at the NW air field. i dont have skype or steam. so PM me on here please!!! blood is at 3k and i have no food.
  3. Sethsmith46

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    i dont have steam. im sorry man
  4. Sethsmith46

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    yo, i just broke my legs. i am in the fire station at the NW air fields. can anyone help?
  5. Sethsmith46

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    double post..
  6. Sethsmith46

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    In need of some advice... i am lost some were between Starey Sober the airfield... and i think Grishino... my dude is coughing and has an infection. I'm in an open feild, Any possible way anyone could find me and give me some anti biotics? any maybe a compass or a map...
  7. Sethsmith46

    Yo lets merk.

    I am semi new to this game. I dont have really any good gear. I am currently in Staroye on my journey north. Anyone care to join me? I have limited supplies.
  8. Sethsmith46

    Yo lets merk.

    dont have skype. and i wont be on till 4pm cdt.
  9. Sethsmith46

    Yo lets merk.

    hahaha. yeah between the banditos and the hackers... not killing on site has gotten hard.
  10. Sethsmith46

    Yo lets merk.

    all good words of advice. i have been killed a few times by people who i had teamed up with on the game.. just hadnt lost all hope for the fucks on this game.
  11. Sethsmith46

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    That makes 2 of us. i roam these forums while at work.
  12. Sethsmith46

    Introduce yourselves

    Names Seth. I just started playing a few weeks back. Looking for a few people to run with. i'm 25 and live in arlington, Texas.
  13. Sethsmith46

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    This isn't really medical help... but you guys have saved my ass a few times on here. MY dude is by topollka Dam.. and his body temp looks low. he shook off a cold earlier.. but it appears to be coming back. Could some one help me out later? Also, i lift anywhere up north would be dope. i am real new and just found some decent gear and decided to head north. ill prepared.. no map, compass or gps.. any help would be legit.. i did find an alice pack and a guilie suit before i split from elektro.
  14. Sethsmith46

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    some how my guy cured his cough? i logged in last night and his cough was gone. also speaking of good luck.. found a gulie suit and a alice pack in the same building.
  15. Sethsmith46

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    question.. my dude is coughing like a little bitch.. will i die from this? does this cause an infection? pretty new to dayz so i have lots of stupid questions
  16. Sethsmith46

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    AweomeLemon is the dopest dope around. saved me real good.
  17. Sethsmith46

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Can anyone help me out here? I am in the small building of the gas station on the west side of Elektro. I am bleeding out with no more bandages. I have a bag of blood for the transfusion. i just need a bandage and some one to give me the blood. Help?
  18. Sethsmith46

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    yo, i just started playing this game. Finally getting the hang of it and get some good gear... and now i am close to bleeding out in a gas station by Elektro.