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Everything posted by kaaona

  1. kaaona

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    So whats up with the game!? Last week Dean Hall said we have a week window. So now that its been that week... WHERE IS IT? As for me I'm SOO HYPED for this game. Now I just wanna buy it and get that out of the way so I can play it. Anyone know when the game(Alpha) is possibly coming out?????
  2. I've noticed over weeks of playing dayz people have stopped. Also on this website the amount of players n the last 24 hours has dropped significantly. Is the game dying already? And or is it people waiting for the standalone? One question fom me: Anyone know when standalone will be released?
  3. kaaona

    Anyone still play DayZ??

    Then how long will you get to play? And why is it more then paying 20$? Isn't it supposed to be cheaper to get it in alpha??Oh and don't want this forum turning into Warz ;D
  4. kaaona

    Anyone still play DayZ??

    Ya, a lot of those reason I stopped too. Hackers make it NO fun..... I will be trying WarZ for sure. No point in not playing it.... With the preorder how much is it to play on the 15th and is only for THAT day?
  5. I love Lingor Island and I think it came to a great success.I was wondering if you guys think/know about new maps coming soon after the success of Lingor Island?
  6. I guess what I don't understand is why the frown upon it??? It makes people happier and more talk gets about DayZ plus it gets a little boring play the same map Over and OVER again... You get to know where everything is and within 30 min your back to your normal fit soldier.... Lingor you dont have any idea where things are PLUS tons more types of buildings that makes it more fun..... One last thing... what do you mean 72% more enterable buildings???
  7. Why frowned upon??? By that do you mean they dont like??