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Everything posted by DaGolem

  1. DaGolem

    Build Rolling Update

    I´m thankful for the hard Work on the Patches! But i never understand why simple things like "streetlights" is not a Serveradmin choice, why always dicatete,determine? I wonder why always make it unnecessary complicated. Let the Serveradmin take the choice of his payed server.
  2. DaGolem

    Herbal Botany [Natural Food & Medicine]

    Natural Food & Medicine would be very nice in DayzSa BUT.... ...first you have to find a Book for natural Medicine (recipes, instructions, how to use) ...first you have to find a Book for natural Food because without knowledge you will get the wrong Food or Medicine and that makes you sick. [ingame] without the Books it is not possible to find and use the right natural Food & Medicine
  3. Hey, hey, dont say anything against it! I love all the shitty RPG elements in modern FPS, they are absolute usefull for a terrible teamplay, that i want in modern FPS Games! I need this, because i play games not for the fun, the missions or for the teamwork, i play it only the ego stroking! I play to unlock shity crap things, making Kill streaks to getting rewards and killing easy enemys with this rewards to kill easy more enemys, that gives me the feeling i am the greatest person on the earth! I want more of this shit ! My absolute Kiddi Gaming Wishlist 1.kill streaks 2.game achievements 3.unlockable weapons 4.permanente online statistics is this post maybe ironically? :huh:
  4. DaGolem

    New Map - DayzTaviana is released!

    Vote, Thread 4 Sticky!
  5. DaGolem

    The Cure!

    I have nothing against optinal little side Missions or little side storys but it has to be optional. A finishgoal, nope! Thats not openworld sandbox gaming. There is no goal, the goal is to play and survive.
  6. Idea: Zombie will follow the "Voice" if someone use InGameCommunication. If someone talk over InGameVOIP then the Zeds can hear his/her Voice and start to follow. Same with the InGameChat like the "DirectCommunication". It make more sense because it is more real then now.
  7. DaGolem

    we own namalsk !

    "look iam so great! I have skill, because i camp and killing people for no reason. I am the boss!" Typical Kiddi Style ;)
  8. DaGolem

    Zombie react on InGameCommunication

    Realy? It don´t looks, feels like. I have many "Direct Voip" and no Zombie is start to raging. They just walk around and dont care.
  9. DaGolem

    Spawn next to friends???

    I dont like a Friendspawn! The spawn system is part of the DayZ atmosphere! Searching & Finding the Friends is a big part of this Game! If there is a Friendspawn then we have unfair PVP Gaming because a group plays together maybe against one single person the single person shot down one member of the big group and then the groupmember comes shortly back. This sucks! No Friendspawn!
  10. This can bring the solution for colour-blind people. http://bildupload.sr...ages/6-show.jpg With or without %...just a Sketch to make this more clear. With % is for me the better solution and you can make the % flash when it drops down to 10%.
  11. DaGolem

    [Standalone] Mission/Story Editor

    Like i said before....A Mission/Story is a "Can but it is not Must option...you dont have to play it." And simple? Nope, it is not! You can be shure the next Bandits still waiting for you near the Mission/Story Piont. ;) The loot? Maybe it is very good, maybe you get Baked Beans....it´s a Setting thing. hrhr...nice way to get a car...if you survive the ambush Bandits ;)
  12. DaGolem

    STATS and REWARDS !!!

    How to destroy the fun of every modern Game? Put in... 1.unlocks 2.permanently onlinestats 3.achievements Now you have a KiddiStyle Game with Tail comparison.
  13. DaGolem

    [Standalone] Mission/Story Editor

    Yeah your right PVP ist part of the Game, but you have to realize that the PVP part is to much because there is no need for Teamwork. Only the Blood tranfusion needs another Player and the other thing is if there is only PVP in this Game it´s getting boring. I´m not against PVP but SA need more then PVP, it needs Teamplay Idea´s. And the best Idea´s brings constant varies without coercion. I dont see the Problem in this. Make a new Mission/story is like Sandbox, because you build it and there is no one that say´s "You have to do it". If you on a server with the Mission/Story´s then you can chose -> a] I run to the Mission/Story and I play it or b] I try to kill the people that try to complete the Mission/Story or c] i dont care about it! Yeah is a good solution or make a serverfilter ->Mission/Story server [show/Dont Show] This is not possible you can´t wake up at a place! If the server looks into the timeline and a Mission (example) names "Rescue old Man" beginns then there is a simple Massage for all with location, missiontarget, time...and so on and on. The players have the choice to do it or dont care about it. If they do it then they have to find the location and do it. This variation that you mean of the Editor Idea´s sounds like singleplayer.
  14. DaGolem

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    I was wondering why the hell someone integrated a ProHacker system and why Rocket alowed to do that. For me it is not a Community Patch because there was no Vote about. It seem to me like only a handful from the Comunity can integrate what they want. The good thing is you can DownPatch with DayZCommander and there are many Servers.Looks like many people are pissed off with this total unlogical system.So you can play without the crap ProHacker Combatsystem. Have my Debug monitor back....can see my humanity,my Blood, how many Zeds i killed....
  15. DaGolem

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    But there are not thousend of Cheaters that get supportet by no Lockout script. Thats the big different! @RedNome Calling me a bitch because you can take no critic is a real bitch move ;)
  16. DaGolem

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    This Combat lock is totaly crap! No more Debug Monitor with health info and a absolutly pro for the Cheaters they can kill you now better! For me is DayZ Mod over with this Update. Now Waiting for Standalone. Bye...c u next update or SA
  17. DaGolem

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    Nothing like this....I always play with Debug monitor because i want to see how many Blood I have. But now i can´t turn this on because of the Hackerfriendly Combat lock System!
  18. DaGolem

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    Sry, but that you have no more chance to see how many Blood you have sucks has Hell. <_< :emptycan: I want my Debug Monitor BACK!
  19. DaGolem

    A game I think dayz could learn from!

    Funny to see... I already have made this suggestion... http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/38742-suggestions-for-the-dayz-standalone-thinking-outside-of-the-limitations-of-an-arma-2-mod/page__st__720#entry971618 and http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/38742-suggestions-for-the-dayz-standalone-thinking-outside-of-the-limitations-of-an-arma-2-mod/page__st__720#entry973860 and yeah your are right. Dayz SA can lern alot from The Hunter!
  20. No Problem ;) HF Hunting System The Tracking System in The Hunter is simple there are Footsteps with red signs around. So you can see from "far" away there is something. Then you go to the Steps and see what kind of wild you have. Now you follow the Red Signs to find the wild. Simple technic...simple to take into DayZ SA. Maybe with little different...-> At the Steps you can see what kind of wild or is it a Player. Then how long has it been since the Person/Wild was here. At last there must be resolution -> if steps longer then 1-2Hour ago then the Steps dissolve. Nothing complicated ;)
  21. DaGolem

    Gore. Gore. WE NEED GORE!

    Yeah, because it is a NPC & a Zombie. Look into the main game then you see the casual Cartoon death, like all the other kiddie Games, totaly unrealistic art of dieing and no injury system!
  22. DaGolem

    Gore. Gore. WE NEED GORE!

    No real injury is the major problem of all Shooters today! It´s looks always like a cartoon and pulls the genere in the ridiculousness!!! A granate explodes next to a player, the player dont lose any Bodyparts... A .50 cals shooting direct into the shoulder, belly or Leg and nothing realy dramatic happens... No Blood trails, No losing Bodyparts, No open profusely bleeding wounds And then they say "...our Game is Realistic..." That´s totaly crap, your game is in this special area nothing then a Cartoon! The injurysystem on all shooters are always just plain ridiculous ! Arma series has done a little more then other Games but not enough to turn injury into real!
  23. DaGolem


    yes, needed!
  24. Yep, it is very difficult. But life without challenges is boring. :D 1.Free Climbing (possible solution) http://thumbs.dreams...618844A7T9l.jpg A Modder can bringt the steps on the Wall so that the Survivor can climb on it. That shows also "this is a FreeClimbing" place. btw. at FreeClimbing you have to leave all your Stuff (weapons,backpack...) on the Ground because it is impossible to climb with all the stuff. so if another Player comes around he can steal your stuff...hrhr No risk - no Hyper Rare loot! :D 2.Mountaineering Same as FreeClimbing System but without the prefabricated Steps. You have to use a Hammer to put piton into the Wall, then you have to use it with the carbine. Climbing for Where no one has gone before...hrhr
  25. Jep, Mountaineering Simulation would be very, very nice. Also differentiate between FreeClimbing only possible only in warm climate and mountaineering in cold climate. 1.Mountaineering (Cold Places) http://www.abc-of-mountaineering.com/shop/mountaineering-gear.asp http://www.abc-of-mountaineering.com/shop/mountaineering-equipment.asp 2.Free Climbing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrX0ohmu1zw&feature=related I would love to climbing, finding new places like caves with hype rare loot. My other Wish... Hunt Simulation like The Hunter. I have played The Hunter sometimes and it is the perfect kombination with DayZ. I love the way the hunter makes it possible to Read tracks from the animals to find them. Also the aspect that you can use lure like sounds and scents to bring the animals to your place. Both simulationsystems can bring DayZ into another Level of Simulation, makes the entire feeling of DayZ more deep and brings new aspects into the Game.