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Everything posted by DaGolem

  1. It is simple to prevent: 1. You can turn off Player Events in the main and group frequency if u dont want to help. 2. You can only send a Message if you have the Problem. Like a broken Bone, Broken Wheels an so on , you have no Food (Radius scan) and so on and on But maybe....player using this player events as a Trap...but if u dont want to help dont help and turn Player Ask events off. :D
  2. DaGolem

    Suggestions Suggestions Suggetions

    The Problem of the Suggestion Jungle is that there is no VoteSystem. With a VoteSystem people can write they Idea´s into it and all others can make a Vote. After a Time a HitList will come and make clear what most people like and it helps that good Idea´s not will not suggestet many times. But it seem´s to me nobody from DevTeam cares about to clear up the Suggestion Jungle. Same Problem with the people in the forum. I suggest two Idea´s to help and you can see the attention and support is very low. Dev Team Clear up Suggestion http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/93562-idea-implementations-list/ VoteSystem for a automatic clear up System http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/79490-dayz-suggestions-votesystem/
  3. DaGolem

    Boss zombie

    I have nothing against many Zombie Types, like Walker, Monkey,Crawler, irradiated, intelligent Zombie.... BUT a Boss Zombies? What da hell? No Thanks! We don´t need RPG Hack&Slay Gaming like Torchlight,God of war...
  4. DaGolem

    map maker

    Yep, the orginal Terraineditor from ARMA, because.....if MapMaking is to simple then we have 1.000.000 Maps with crap quali. Only people that have real passion in mapmaking take the time to lern the ArmaEditor. And those are the ones that bringing good maps like Lingor Island. And the other thing is that the Dev Team from DayZ don´t lose time to change the entire MapMaking thing! btw. i am not a map maker but i wish would ;)
  5. DaGolem

    How about fishing?

    simple great idea. my beans 4 you ;)
  6. DaGolem

    DayZ De-Motivational Posters

    lol, my autorun is a tiny swiss knife.
  7. DaGolem

    Infected children in DayZ. Poll.

    It is merely Pixel on a Screen, nothing more. Why always people thinking about morality? Bring it in. It is unlogical that only adult zombies running around!
  8. DaGolem

    New vehicle idea

    another one ;)
  9. DaGolem

    New vehicle idea

    Trekking trailer :D
  10. DaGolem

    "vilayer.com" Them as a hoster.

    expensive 1slot = 1€, this is much to much. but i like the promotion system convert others people Arma2 Maps into DayZ. But the chosen maps makes no fun, because they are not survival maps.
  11. DaGolem

    New Dayz Maps Bukovina and Bystrica Coming Very Soon!!!

    Don´t get me wrong, i respect the hard work but i never understand why people making simple little deathmatch maps. For Deathmatch there tonns of games on the market. For my feeling right now, there are only two real DayZ maps Cheranus & Lingor Island. All others released maps... like :emptycan: ;) Hopefully the future will change it. ;)
  12. DaGolem

    New Dayz Maps Bukovina and Bystrica Coming Very Soon!!!

    looks okay, but to small ;) I hope someone will make a real survival map like chernarus with mountain,cavessystem, rivers, towns & villages...
  13. There are tonnes of Suggestion. Some come back repeatedly many times. Nobody knows what will come or not come into the Game. It would be nice if there is a official List of Idea´s/Suggestion that will be definitely built-in. Maybe graduation split into Mod and Standalone: 1.definitely built Suggestion that the DayZ Team will bring into the Game 2.attempts Suggestion that the DayZ Team test to bring into the Game ----cut----- And btw. i would prefer a VoteSystem for Suggestion, because it is very difficult to see what people realy want. As we can see, because of no HitList, some Idea´s comes back many times. This shows that there is no overall view. A VoteSystem shows popular Suggestions and brings clarity into the suggestion Jungle.
  14. DaGolem

    Standalone Map. Ukraine

    Chernarus Plus is ok. It would be nice to walk and search the new things & changes, but after running around for month in the old map, the improved version will faster going boring because all know this map. It would be a very good idea to make a completly different Map so there is a new challenge. Hopefully there come new maps. ;) Like... Alpha - with Chernarus Plus Beta - + New Map (like Urkraine - Chernobyl with Radioactive Problems and protective Suits,Geiger counter and so on an on) Final - New Map (like Rocky Mountains,Canada national park) DLC - Urban Map http://dayzmod.com/f...ht-be-possible/
  15. Loot bury and metal detector. Idea: You can bury your loot with the entrenching Tool. If you done it some visible little small hill with brown earth texture will show to others players that something is in the soil. Needs: entrenching tool (to dig in & out) metal detector + battery (to found other loot bury) - identify radius from 250meters (sound "ping" - lower = far / louder = near) complications: entrenching tool can break up battery is getting low maybe restriction (yeah, not realismen, so i say maybe): one playerlife can only dig X or XX new loot holes Maybe additional: Some none players bury loot are all over the map with loot. Server restart changes the generated bury loot places. Brings a little bit more excitement into the loot search because you never know is it a secret stock from a player or is a trap from a player or is it just a simple generated loot place.
  16. DaGolem


    If you start Tarkistan the startscreen shows dayz logo and that vilayer convert this map. So i think, so. ;) btw. nice promotion move from a hosting company...rofl
  17. DaGolem


    You have to ask http://www.vilayer.com/. They convert the user custum Maps for DayZ to promote they server hosting.
  18. DaGolem

    I want a bayonet on my gun.

    bayonet, hell yeah! Give it to me! :D
  19. DaGolem

    Day Z Wallpapers

    Fun selfmade Wallpaper 1920x1080
  20. DaGolem

    Home-made attachments!

    The only good idea´s is to have a Bayonet for weapons and the tactical knife thing, but both without any better/worse skills.
  21. DaGolem

    Study Body in stand alone.

    N1 Idea, you have my beans! Additional: the death art - killed by a Zombie - killed by starvation - killed by thirst - killed by [bullet Name] X Bullets found in [bodypart]
  22. I read some of the many suggestions but they are to many :D So why not make a separatet VoteSystem, called IdeaVote or sounds like that? User explain in Shortcut a > SINGLE < Idea and other makes Votes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Links-> New Idea´s | Top100 | MostVoted24h| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Idea: Name of the Idea DownVotes.XXXX UpVotes: XXXX IdeaQuali:5Stars shortcut (max. 150letters): Implement wolfpacks with mowl sounds into the forrest and let them attac Players & Zombies (Forum Link - Long Version if User makes a forum post) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This System makes it easy to find out what People most want and like.
  23. DaGolem

    Standalone Poll: First Person Only?

    No 1stPerson only! Because of the 1st Person i become from all that Shaking a big headache! Better ServerAdmin choice, because then are both possible and u can chose what u want to play.