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Everything posted by Tmull

  1. Andy, I'll add you as well when I get home. Mostly play nights and weekends and don't be offended if I don't want to team up at a certain moment. I trust very few people in this game. Also, I'm up northeast near Berezino, so you'd have to make your way up the coast if you wanted to team up. But if you do, hit me up, can give you gun/supplies etc as I'm just getting set up with a camp.
  2. NickM, thank you for that juvenile response. Krobar, I know that gillie doesn't ALWAYS equal bandit. But geezus it was terrifying to turn the corner and be 10 feet from a moving bush with a giant (actually just an AK) gun that I envisioned was going to be turned on me in two seconds. It was the first moment I was truly brought into the game. I love it. NickM, in response, I was joking about the consoling part...although imagine in real life how a moment like that could haunt you. You find safety in a barn north of Cherno and cry yourself to sleep in a zombie apocalypse, gripping your looted AK, still stinking of the blood you spilled to get it. Cmon..now that's immersion...haha And yes, I still feel a bit guilty, especially given I was a newer spawn. I try to play as realistically as possible, meaning I spend most of my time hunting, filling water bottles and occasionally searching for loot etc. It's an RPG and that's what I love about it.
  3. I'm not too distraught about the murder. But mostly observing how awesome this game is. I've never wondered or had second thoughts after a PVP experience in any other game. I'm still thinking about 'Derek' 24 hours after the incident. And every time I fire the AK, I think about Derek and how I looted his body and am still using the gun that could, could have been my own death.
  4. Tmull

    DayZ Stories

    This isn't that special of a story, but it was a great instance of trusting cooperation. I'd just spawned, was running up the east coast toward berezino etc. Ran into one of those long barn deals, with two entrances at each end, and started hearing someone talking, they go, 'oh shit, there's another player' and my blood runs cold. If I'd actually had anything on me I would have run. Instead, they both run into the building taking cover and we all eye each other. It's me, weaponless, and them, two guys with silenced weapons. We talk, after I frantically call out friendly friendly, please don't shoot me, just trying to gear up. They say something like "We're so in shock we can't even see" I offer my painkillers. Have no need since I just spawned. They offer a water bottle. We go our separate ways. :) it was great. and so much better and more organic than skyping and using the forums to find a buddy, although i've had some epic adventures with those buddies, too. Gotta love this game :)
  5. Hey, looking for a group of buddies to play with. I work most days, play occasionally over the lunch hour and most weekends/evenings. Would like to have a small group of similar people just looking to have fun, no griefing really or banditry. I just recently made my way up north to the airfield and have been enjoying just surviving with food, water bottles etc. Been lone-wolfing it mostly but looking to have at least one person I can play with regularly. PM me for my Skype etc. I have a mic and skype/teamspeak etc. Let me know what works best!
  6. Thanks to everyone for the invites/etc. PM here for my skype if anyone else wants to join up.
  7. Just playing around this a.m. Just killed my last char, had no blood and little else. I'm fairly noobish but trustworthy. Just tired of lone-wolfing it. Steam name is tmull86. I am a 20-something, too, in case that matters. :)
  8. I'm in the U.S., CST. Play most evenings for at least a bit. I need help today, either in a couple hours or later tonight to fix my broken legs. But I'm a friendly lone-wolfer looking to team up. :) I'm by the NW airfield, fyi. Steam: tmuller86
  9. Tmull

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    hello! hoping this works, broke my legs near the nw airfield. cooked meat and many thanks for some help? I can be on now, if available or tomorrow in like 14 hours. Thanks! steam is tmuller86
  10. Tmull

    Looking to make group

    me! steam is tmull86. hit me up for my skype etc.