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Everything posted by Tmull

  1. ^ False false false false erroneous on all counts misinformation, misunderstanding wrong wrong wrong wrong There is no public release date. Alpha or otherwise. Please don't spread misinformation. Get informed. Cheers
  2. What are everyone's thoughts on the interaction with the 'apparently' near-death hiker? I'm not an expert. I've never mountaineered but I would hope in that instance the 'dog-eat-dog' mentality would not win out. I wonder if Dean Hall has had reservations about that moment. He told the reporter about it, so maybe not. Just a very strange anecdote that really should have lead the story. Thoughts?
  3. Tmull

    DayZ Mod 1.7.6 Update

    Wow. I just want to put in there that I appreciate anyone making updates for the mod until SA comes out. It makes my day, every time. It's different and it keeps it fresh. I LOVE the number of people creating accounts JUST to QQ about the food items.
  4. When does it get to a point a mod steps in and warns/closes this thread? Obviously no one cares about your server. I will never get on your server just because of the way you're handling trying to get attention. Have a good day. Enjoy this 'bump'
  5. More than half of your total posts are bumps on this one post. lol...can't say you don't try. I'll give it a shot tonight/this weekend. also, anyone that rolls as meatwad can't be half bad..
  6. my god...the bumps...i don't know if that's a good sign for the server or a bad sign to have an admin like this...
  7. Tmull

    Ultimate New Player Guide?

    Wait..so you instruct people to kill-on-sight, which is dumb and generally counter productive for new spawns...but then neglect to mention the need for morphine? I rarely bother with blood bags as a lone wolf, but I would never leave a big city without hitting up a hospital and getting at least two morphine shots. more important than most the gear you mention. Also, hatchets are best weapon now. Cheers, Tmull
  8. Tmull

    Ivan & Martin Free on bail

    Am I the only one that is truly considering the possibility these guys were photographing things they weren't supposed to? There are such things as free-lance or contract spies/intelligence people. Also, bond set at 5,000 euros? Seems particuarly light for international espionage....either some serious backroom dealings or Greece has no idea what the fuck they're doing, detaining them for so long only to set bond so low...I've assumed since Day 1 with this case that all the facts were not out there. This announcement affirms that assumption.
  9. OK, so ethical question. I committed my first murder yesterday in Cherno. I was a lowly new spawn, had a 1911 with a few mags and that was about it. Was sprinting through Cherno just to grab what I could before heading north. Oh, and also was a female char, just to see if it helps prevent the shoot-on-sight mentality, figure it can't hurt..haha. But I fall from one story over by the hospital, pass out, wake up and eat a little and then turn and BAM, nearly run into another dude in a ghillie suit. Now, my blood runs cold, I freak out and aim my pistol sights right at his head. He doesn't see me. He's looking 90 degrees to my left, I know he doesn't see me. Do I call out? See if he's friendly? He's got a ghillie suit...that usually means business..I can see his gun is up and he's ready to shoot. It's an AK. I've got my 1911. It feels weak in my hands. My pistol sights are still on his head. About 5 seconds have passed as he sidesteps closer and closer to me, the words catch in my throat. Do I call out? Do I shoot a warning shot? Bang Bang Bang, three rounds, fired off right at his head. He drops. Dead. My first murder. I raid his body, find only a few supplies, matches, map, gun etc. So, Derek, if you're out there. I'm sorry. I should have called out. Now, am I totally in the wrong? I try to play nicely. This instance was the first time I was really playing as if I were in the game. IRL, if I have the drop on someone that is potentially dangerous, I'm going to shoot to kill, no matter if it's 'fair' or not. But it's been nagging me. And that's a sign of how awesome this game is. So, how much was I in the wrong? From your experience, if I'd called out, would he have just whipped to his left and blown me away? Would he have shot me just out of reaction and surprise? Gotta love this game...
  10. Oli, I'd suggest downloading DayZCommander. It's super easy to keep your updates inline and switch updates even, for different servers. That way you can download every map except for Utes and search for those servers. And personally, I hate Fallujah. Hate Hate Hate. It's a bunch of terrible buildings, few zeds and little else. At least as far as I'm concerned. I like the military loot spawns of Lingor that you just fall over. But Chernarus is fun for messing around in Cherno/Electro etc. :)
  11. Might I suggest using DayzCommander, can make server notes, useful for if you actually use the other maps. For example, I've got my Chernarus character, fully geared up etc. I play in Lingor with a newer character because I can do things in that game I wouldn't do with my other character, like run with no weapons across the entire map while singing. Server notes help keep things organized and I use them to mark tents, vehicles etc. Cheers! IMO, Lingor>Chernarus>Takistan>Fallujah
  12. Tmull

    Just downloaded DayZ for the first time!

    Pro tip: Only noobs and children play in electro and cherno. Kamenka is actually a spectacular spawn IMO, can run north and hit up 5-10 deer stands and the grocery store etc in Zelno. Kamenka means you can generally loot in peace. Barns are great for civilian weapons. Electro and Cherno are dumb and likely to get you killed. Avoid.
  13. Hello all, my apologies if this is a repeat topic. Looked and didn't find much when I was in need. Since there seems to be some sort of carryover on the Lingor servers (are they all on a single hive other than explicitly private servers?) I want to start up a medic team. Not really a team, but I've found that even though Lingor is smaller, it has fewer medical supplies. So, I'll just put that out there, I just raided a hospital, have a tent and can operate pretty freely in the southern hemisphere of Lingor. If you have medical needs, PM here and we'll skype/steam and I'll hoof it to you with supplies. :) I've been helped countless times and feel it's time to return the favor. I just prefer Lingor and it's tropical setting and endless military loot. So, hit me up! I work most days 8-5 in the US CST and am on most evenings and most weekends. I know how much it sucks to sit and wait so hit me up and I'll try and take care of you ASAP. Cheers!
  14. Tmull

    Medics in Lingor

    Thanks for your reply. Might I suggest a Lingor/other help needed channel in your Teamspeak then? I hopped on it the other day, but didn't know if you guys did Lingor etc because all the help-needed channels were for Chernarus
  15. Tmull

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hello all, know this may be a long shot but any medics, or friendlies, with some morphine in lingo? I'm stuck near the major city of the sw island with broken legs. will trade ghillie, tent, l85, m249 whatever. I just need mrophine and blood. :) thanks. steam:tmuller86 or a pm on here for skype etc. i can be on now or tonight in a few hours.
  16. Tmull

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I could sure use some help. I'm in berezino and am on the verge of death. need blood. my steam is tmull86. thanks in advance -getting helped
  17. In need of transfusion, have blood etc. Near Berezino, awfully close to death. :) You come to me I come to you Thanks
  18. Anyone else play on this server? I have an awesome time, the admin is a bit overzealous but you know what, it's his server and he kicks hackers immediately. But, what I really want to know is who took my UAZ from the Balota airfield? I spent so much time running back and forth for wheels etc...only to log back on and find it missing. At least tell me you put the gear I had stored in there to good use and enjoyed the ride....geezus..haha But, anyone else play on this server? I've run into a lot of regulars, I play in-game as tmull.
  19. Nebraska eh? I'm in northern Missouri, though born and raised in Omaha. Tmagic...haha..not so magically against UCLA. :P let's team up fellow Huskers!
  20. I think I'm the only person to not be griefed by a hacker. I've been made to dance...and that's about it. I'm just assuming that was a hacker because it was weird as all get out. Am I alone in this? Just lucky? I play in mostly low population servers and private hive. There's my suggestion. :)
  21. Hey, sorry if this is a repost. Honestly couldn't find anything via forum search or google. I've come up on several people separately, where they were just standing there, not responding etc. I assumed they're spawning in...is that right? I can sneak up on them and steal stuff from their backpacks (which I did :D) but they don't respond or move. I shot at the first one I saw, and he didn't die. What's going on here? All I know is my heart starts pounding when i sneak up on them and start trading my meat steaks with their fancy AS50s.... Haha, thanks ahead of time
  22. Anyone near Berezino or NE airfield, I can help, bored and looking to do some good. PM
  23. Although, I will say most/all of you in this thread I would team up with (PM if you wanna!) just for the camaraderie and swap some stories etc. Beyond that human instinct, there are no/few benefits, as I see them.
  24. The game changes for me a lot, too. I've gone through the stages going from being a newbie, to just-geared-up, to set up with a camp and tents etc. Right now, with what I have, I have a lot to lose. This is still the same character that blew ghillie-suit 'Derek' away with a 1911 without warning. So, even on just this character, my own survival has changed. Unfortunately, I'm now to the point where any other survivors are simply threats, whether they know it or mean to or not. I need no one else. Don't even need someone for blood transfusions since I can hunt and eat more than enough. As is oft-repeated, there are few reasons for me to team up with anyone at this point. Unless anyone can change that mentality, I'm not a SoS type of player...but I've got an itchy trigger finger if I feel threatened at all.