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Everything posted by TheFarmer

  1. Heres my entire message to them "I opened up my game today to play and when i joined a server it said "You have been kicked off the game" (Battleye: global ban #3c9b) i checked around to see what it was and all links i found said it was due to hacking, i have never hacked the game nor have i tried." and then they replied with the message i posted in my other comment. I went through a long back and forth with them around 8 emails long (i ended up deleteing everything after the initial response by accident but it was just more bullcrap about how they wouldn't tell me the specifics because he didn't have to.
  2. They just straight up lie to you when you appeal, i didn't play arma 2 for a while but then when i attempted to play i was global banned. I emailed the staff about my ban and this was their response "your GUID was logged hacking. The evidence gathered is clear and therefore the ban will not be lifted. This evidence won't be published though, so don't bother asking for it." Now you might be thinking well they logged you hacking but to that i say how did they know who i was? My email to them did not state my ingame name/steam ID or even the same email that is linked to my steam account. Also i was not hacking i was on a server with many hackers the last day i played and i took weapons from a box on the floor (i didn't know they came from someone using a script, i just thought it was a lucky find)