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About confexener

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. confexener

    Portugal Players

    também sou! alguma coisa é so dar add no skype imaginequeistoeumnome yup esse é o meu nome d skype e tenho 21 anos (maturidade!)
  2. confexener

    Tactical Squad (Recruiting)

    give me a call.... im 21yo, with a pretty good grasp of the english language i would like to apply for sniper or assault mostly if posible im pretty well geared already with ghillie all the trinkets but the radio and i use mostly the m4a1 sd cco, any more question add on skype "imaginaqueistoeumnome" (aka bored) :)
  3. confexener

    [OPEN] Extra teammember [mic-only]

    hi my name is miguel, i play the dayz mod for quite a wille now mostly alone but i do quite well, atm i have a ghillie suit all of the "trinkets" (exept the damn radio) im using the m4a1 sd cco and the AK 74 kobra, im quite well geared and looking for a good squad or group of friends to play with... im most of the time avalible to play. my skype name is a bit long but here it is "imaginaqueistoeumnome" (imagine that this is a name in portuguese) if u want me or need me give me a call