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gibson (DayZ)

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Everything posted by gibson (DayZ)

  1. gibson (DayZ)

    Real noob question.......

    It might just be a bug. It used to happen to me all the time, then went away. I haven't played the game in about a month, so I'm not too sure if it's been fixed.. But you described a typical exit method. Might be superstitious, but I always have my character still for 10-15 seconds before disconnecting.
  2. gibson (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    There's hackers in every other server it seems..
  3. About a week ago, a few friends and I made a trip to the North East Airfield. While two friends were in the Tower, myself and two others were looting the hanger adjacent. Two sniper shots ring out. My friends in the tower killed. My one friend in the hanger managed to kill someone. I then went around outside to locate the other (holygoalie10) while my other friend flanked him. Needless to say, he was able to take us both out. Then, he assassinated my other friend in the hanger. Three of my friends raged, but me and my one friend decided to stick around and play some more. We both spawned in around the same area, and began to loot back up. 20 minutes later, we hear a horn. It was our vehicle that we took too the NE Airfield. Weaponless, we approached our car. "What the fuck, dude!" I said in ingame chat. He got out, loaded to the T. "Yeah, sorry about that. I do feel bad." We talked for a good 10 minutes. He packed up all of our gear in the vehicle, and gave us a few more items from himself to make up for it, and let us have our vehicle back. Before we knew it, he started running into the woods. I don't know what to make of it all. Just a cool story I guess. Thanks, holygoalie10? Maybe?
  4. Yeah, I don't know if he was a hacker or not. Could be. But, regardless, I'm pretty sure I've died from hackers before and nobody has ever gave me anything back.
  5. gibson (DayZ)

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    Yes, for the time being. Add more sandbag spawn points.
  6. gibson (DayZ)

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    So far, my only issues are a stupid amount of flies buzzing around.. even when there aren't any dead bodies. A lot of desync issues (could be me or build). And I went through about an hour of play. Logged off. Logged on an hour after that. And ended up back where I first started. Otherwise awesome stuff.
  7. gibson (DayZ)

    You were kicked: Battleye corrupt memory #0

    So there I was, in the fire station next to the power plant. My buddy just got sniped. What do I do? I'll tell you what I did. I bunkered down and killed 2 people that came in. Yeah, they might of not had anything to do with the killing of my friend, but you know why I killed them? 'Cause fuck you that's why! Then someone logged in upstairs came down and killed me. Oh well. Oh yeah, I got that same memory thinger message, too.
  8. I'm sure many of you know who the youtuber SideStrafe is, earlier today he was shooting a livestream on twitch.tv. I found the server he was playing in, and met up with him and two others. Eventually, upwards of 30 people joined the group. It was pretty incredible seeing the mass amounts of surviors working together, however, I started to get worried. It would be near impossible for us to point someone out if they happened to take a quick shot at someone. Eventually this indeed happened. We, 30+, made our way to Pusta, I believe, from Elek. A large amount of people went into the brown wooden structure, and I heard people complaining of friendly fire. Soon after, someone screamed, "HE'S KILLING ME WITH THE HATCHET!". Shots rang, and everybody began to question one another. Another 5 minutes passed, as I was outside of the structure, and I witnessed someone throw a frag grenade in. I must be honest, it was fucking hilarious. At the time, my friend that I usually play with, caught up with the group. He was knocked unconscious by zombies 20 feet away from me. Another survior walked towards him, and my friend told me on Ventrillo that all of his stuff from his pack was missing. I saw the survior run in the opposite direction from the group, so I hunted him down and got my friends shit back. That was my first murder that I had that wasn't initiated by someone else shooting me. It was pretty intense. I killed a guy because he ganked my buddy's morphine. Did anyone else get the privledge of playing?
  9. gibson (DayZ)

    How did you discover Day Z?

    SIDESTRAFE! and my friend from work.
  10. gibson (DayZ)

    Playing with SIDESTRAFE and ~30 other surviors

    Someone recorded a part of it, unfortunately he didn't get all the frag grenade experience.
  11. gibson (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Just tried it out for a minute. Seemed awesome.
  12. gibson (DayZ)

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Helllllll yeah. How long does it usually take servers to keep up with the updates after they are released?
  13. gibson (DayZ)

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    1. I haven't played 1.7.1 yet, I'm waiting until tomorrow to continue with my group. 2. I love the idea of being able to lose zombie hordes, but from the sounds of it, it seems irrelevant with the heightened senses of z's. 3. I love the idea of starting without a weapon. Not only have we heard feedback of increasing teamwork, but to me, it makes weapons that much more cherishable (as they should be in a zombie apocalypse). 4. I still hate the Reggie Bush jukes of Z's, I understand you're working on that, and I appreciate it. 5. I hate the idea of not being able to clear out a small town of z's, and being able to quickly loot it and leave before Z's respawn. But, at the same time, I am a very patient guy, and can deal with my perceived imperfections of this game. I'd also just like to take this time to thank the shit out of you. Before I even knew what ARMA was, I wanted an open world zombie apocalypse survival game.. and here it is. I can't wait until we can start fortifying, rebuilding, etc. It'll probably be awhile.. but as said earlier, I'm patient, and for this game, I'm patient^2.
  14. gibson (DayZ)

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Sweet balls. I never thought I'd be so hyped about a game in which zombies all have the lateral movement of Reggie Bush, and have the ability to punch through walls. I can't wait to see how this update fixes these issues. Thank you. :heart:rocket:heart:
  15. gibson (DayZ)

    Friendly Fire Option.

    If this game wasn't supposed to be realistic I would say that's ok, maybe, probably not.. But, think of real life. It's possible someone could come off friendly, but then try to kill you.. I think there is a way to salute or something in this game. I don't really trust it.. but I still refrain from shooting unless I feel immediate threat.
  16. gibson (DayZ)

    Build 1.5.8 rolling update

    Ok, finished the update.. But, now when I open up ARMA 2 OA [combined operations] from steam, I get an error window: "Data file too short 'c:\program files(x86)\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\@dayz\addons\dayz_wquip.pbo'. Expected 22766838 B, got 8388091 B" Ok, finished the update.. But, now when I open up ARMA 2 OA [combined operations] from steam, I get an error window: "Data file too short 'c:\program files(x86)\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\@dayz\addons\dayz_equip.pbo'. Expected 22766838 B, got 8388091 B" Anyone else getting that?
  17. gibson (DayZ)

    Build 1.5.8 rolling update

    How long will this download be? I'm using the Day Z Mod Updater, and I've been waiting on Downloading dayz_equip_v1.2.4.rar..... for quite some time. Any suggestions? Thanks for the update Rocket