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Everything posted by Natejames5

  1. Natejames5

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Needing a blood transfusion badly. my skype is natejames5, add me and ill tell you server and location. please help
  2. Natejames5

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Needing a blood transfusion badly. my skype is natejames5, add me and ill tell you server and location. please help
  3. Natejames5

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I would like to thank Doc for helping save my ass. I was almost dead with around 4k blood and passing out. He ran to me even though i was miles away and gave me a free blood transfusion and some free food and drinks. Doc was a live saver.
  4. Natejames5

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I would like to thank Doc for helping save my ass. I was almost dead with around 4k blood and passing out. He ran to me even though i was miles away and gave me a free blood transfusion and some free food and drinks. Doc was a live saver.
  5. Im very new to this game and im tired of dieing from stupid zombies. Let me know if you want to team up to survive. Thanks.
  6. Natejames5

    Need to team up, need help

    no one out there want to team up to survive? im currently at work right now but can play this evening. Let me know!