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Everything posted by !Voltage!

  1. Current Members = 3 Maximum Members = 5 Allowed in now = 2 Will change if people are added or leave. Rules 1. Have Team speak. 2. Speak English. 3. Have A lot Of Experience Of DayZ Banditry. 4. Have Balls. Meeting ended (If you want to join add me on Skype! boshiswatchingyou is my Skype) Members: Phist (Squad Leader) Phool (Spotter/Medic) (Will be kicked if more experienced players join) Sorry for the inconvenience.) J.S (Sniper/Spotter)
  2. Deniss please Skype me. look at the thread for my skype name!
  3. Okay well meet on the channel at 7 thats 40 minutes unfortunately if your too inexperienced then we cant let you in. If you can navigate shoot and follow orders then thats fine but if not I'm afraid this squad is not for you.
  4. !Voltage!

    Day Z Videos

  5. !Voltage!

    Day Z Videos

  6. Just follow this short 1 minute tutorial! (works with melee and pistols too) Likes and subscibes are very valuble please do hit that button it means alot more than you may think!
  7. I don't know really xD
  8. A new video showing you a fortress me and a few friends built when attempting to fix a helicopter!
  9. Good point good thing I'm no longer there feel free to fight a 100 hundred other people trying to get the loot xD A bandit came and killed us all a few weeks after this video.
  10. Sorry it was an accident I pressed the button too many times.
  11. !Voltage!

    Day Z Videos

  12. Oh Yeah thanks dude very important I did that yesterday with my M16A2
  13. Just follow this tutorial it's only minute long, read the description if I did it too fast. likes and favourites and subscriptions arre very valuable to me! if it helped then please at least give a thumbs up! Thanks!