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Everything posted by Shrome

  1. Special Operations Service THE S.O.S IS AT WAR AND WE NEED HELP! The Special Operations Service is a serious but fun semi tactical realism clan on DayZ Overwatch. The clan has a ranking system that goes from Recruit to Colonel. If you decide you want to join the clan you will need to follow a lot of order pretty much at all times while playing with us. If you decide to join will also put into one of the 5 squads or teams, Delta, Omega, Sierra, Ghost, or Foxtrot. When you are put into a squad you will eventuality have to go through clan training on Arma 2, you can train to become sertin things in the clan like sniper, pilot, Light machine gunner, and medic. All we require for you to join the clan is Team Speak. If you want to join us come to this Team Speak: Steam/Skype: SpecialOperationsService Community Website: http://potentiamcommunity.enjin.com/forum Our crappy clan video that took no effort to make:
  2. Special Operations Service TEAM SPEAK: The Special Operations Service is Tactical Realism clan that plays DayZ and Arma 2 both. We are a clan that is dedicated to maintaining order and civilization during the apocalypse. The S.O.S is not a bandit clan nor a Hero clan we refuse to pick a side. Although we are not a bandit or a Hero clan we will do whatever it takes to preserve the clans interests. Squads/Branches 1. Infantry - Is the most valued and most use branch of the clan, they travel in teams of 4 people. Each person side the team will have a medium - close ranged weapon. The Infantry are used for assaults on certain places and close range attacks. 2. Rangers - Rangers will travel in four man teams that consist of; Two snipers, a primary sniper and a secondry sniper. The secondary sniper would be expected to scout and spot for the primary sniper. The primary sniper will be taking most of the shots. The other members of the rangers will be more prepared for close quarters combat, consisting of a mid - long range weapon such as a M16 Acog, available to use at a mid and long range weapon, the last member will have a close quarters weapon, designed for extremely close situations.This means that this ranger squad with elite players should be prepared for every gun fight situation. There might be possible tests of ability, and other such things. 3. Air Force - Transports the other branches of the clan to different parts of the map using air vehicles. The Air Force also provides air support for the other branches as while.
  3. I tried to add you on Skype but my Skype isn't working right now, do you have Team Speak?
  4. CdoubleZ, why would you make this post when we clearly already have one you nub.
  5. Shrome

    Looking for serious group/clan

    Come Checkout our thread: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/151081-blt-black-lake-tactical-is-recruiting-13-dayz-vanilla-overwatch-epoch/
  6. Nope It means Black Lake Tactical, I tried to make it sound like Black Water. You know, like the mercenary group?