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Everything posted by Shrome

  1. Before we do anything, I'm 15. I am looking for age 13 to 16 people to play with and would really like it if you wouldn't stab me in the back. I like to play as a bandit because I don't trust anyone not even my self at times, so if your interested my Skype is: xxsupasouljaxx
  2. I'm mostly a lone wolf, I'm looking for people age 14 - 16 that play a lot like Monday through Saturday. I leave in North America Eastern Time. I am age 15 and I like to play as a bandit. If you are interested my Skype is: xxsupasouljaxx
  3. Shrome

    looking to partner up

    Hey bro I can do all of that. I'm 15
  4. Skype: xxsupasouljaxx Age: 15 Player: Nice Bandit Country: North America What I'm looking for: I'm looking for 13 to 16 year old DayZ players who want to hang out.
  5. Is this really that fucking popular? I mean we are talking about a game we're the worst thing is guns and death. I mean if you mean like age 6 and younger yeah, when I was 9-13 I played worst games like freaking gears of war and dead space. I'm 15 now and I've never been in a fight, never started a fight, and I probable never will get in a fight. I'm not some blood hungry killer who wants to kill and kill some more, I mean what the freak does it matter. The worst thing in this game is freaking you get shot then die in a freaking video game, I mean justice league and Naruto on cartoon fucking network is worst then this! Anyone who thinks that kids over 9 should not play this game ((just for there age)) is a dumb ass and is not fit to play this game. All I wanted to say :) [user warned. -Max]
  6. Shrome

    why are so many children playing this game?

    Is this really that fucking popular? I mean we are talking about a game we're the worst thing is guns and death. I mean if you mean like age 6 and younger yeah, when I was 9-13 I played worst games like freaking gears of war and dead space. I'm 15 now and I've never been in a fight, never started a fight, and I probable never will get in a fight. I'm not some blood hungry killer who wants to kill and kill some more, I mean what the freak does it matter. The worst thing in this game is freaking you get shot then die in a freaking video game, I mean justice league and Naruto on cartoon fucking network is worst then this! Anyone who thinks that kids over 9 should not play this game ((just for there age)) is a dumb ass and is not fit to play this game. All I wanted to say :)
  7. I'm looking for 13 to 15 year old people who like to play DayZ and will play it with me, I'm 15 and I like to play as a kind bandit that only kills when he needs too. If you are age 13 to 15 and you are interested in playing with me and some of my friends my Skype is: xxsupasouljaxx
  8. I just died and I'm looking for 13 to 15 year old people who want to team up and have fun. If you are interested in teaming up and having fun my skype is xxsupasouljaxx. Make sure to type the name in lower case.
  9. Me and my friend Andrew are looking for people 13 to 15 years old. If you are someone that will listen and not kill us my Skype is xXSupaSouljaXx. [WE CAN PLAY ALL DAY AND NIGHT]
  10. I'm looking for people 14 to 16 who won't kill me and take my stuff after we play, If you want to play with me and maybe some other people my Skype is xXSupaSouljaXx
  11. Shrome

    fairly New guy looking for a clan or team to join.

    My steam is Shrome and my Skype is xXSupaSouljaXx!
  12. I'm looking for people 14 to 16 who shoot me and steal all my shit, if your interested my Skype is xXSupaSouljaXx.
  13. I am looking for people age 14 to 16 who won't kill me and take all my stuff. If anyone is interested my Skype is xXSupaSouljaXx.
  14. Me and my friend Andrew are trying to find people 14 to 16 to play with, you know the ones who won't kill us and take are stuff? My Skype is xXSupaSouljaXx
  15. I just got home from school and got on Skype, my friend Andrew invited to a call and asked me if I wanted to play some dayZ and I said yes. In the middle of playing DayZ he invited his friend Kyle Beed who invited his friend Austin, we all played for a little while until Kyle tried to betray me and Andrew. Kyle managed to kill Andrew then he ran out of ammo trying to kill me, I shot him in the head when he was trying to run away and then I took Andrew's stuff from his died body and kyle's as well then I left. The next Day later when I got home Andrew told me that Kyle posted a video on YouTube trying to get him banned. Moral of the story is If a guy called Kyle Beed on Skype asks to play with you he will try kill you and take your items, If he fails he will try to get you banned. :|
  16. Shrome

    My DayZ Adventures

    Maybe, but at least if I failed at it I wouldn't try to get him banned for a false crime.
  17. Shrome

    My DayZ Adventures

    To be honestest I was thinking about killing him cause he was acting like a dumb idiot.
  18. I got done downloading Arma 2 OA and when I tried to start it, it said "failed to contact key server". I don't no what to do could someone help me with this? :|
  19. This has been happening for 3 days now, I bot Arma 2 then Arma 2 OA and for some reason when I try to start Arma 2 OA it says failed to contact key server. Someone steam ran out of CD keys *AGAIN*, What I'm wondering is will they give me a CD key. Can someone please tell me if they are or not?
  20. Will they give me a CD key for free when they get more?
  21. Can someone please help me with this! I've been looking all over and no one has given me a striate answer, I just wish I could know what is wrong so I can fix it and enjoy my self on DayZ!
  22. Did your brother ever get a CD key? When they get more will I be able to play?
  23. I've been playing DayZ for awhile and I am looking for people age 14 to 16 who won't kill me and take my stuff. So if your age 14 to 16 and you want to have some fun and play with me my skype is xXSupaSouljaXx.
  24. I'm looking for people age 14 to 16 who won't kill me or take my stuff, my Skype is xXSupaSouljaXx.