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About 1989ben

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. 1989ben

    Looking for a team of any age group.

    hay dude im from plymouth to i live in whitleigh lol steam: bring_on_th_pain
  2. 1989ben

    Dayz UK Clan Recruiting

    22 british new steam: bring_on_th_pain
  3. 22 british new steam: bring_on_th_pain
  4. 1989ben

    looking for over 18 british players

    22 british new steam: bring_on_th_pain
  5. 22 british newplayer steam: bring_on_th_pain
  6. 22years old new player looking to group up add me on steam if intrested( steam: bring_on_th_pain ) taken for ever to more around lol and looting to keep alive lol
  7. 1989ben

    Need to team up, need help

    22years old new player looking to group up add me on steam if intrested( steam: bring_on_th_pain ) taken for ever to more around lol and looting to keep alive lol
  8. 1989ben

    Looking for a Group!

    steam: bring_on_th_pain im uk but play games almost all hours and im 22. getting mike in like 3hrs time lol any one wanna add go ahead. but like others im 22 23oct so please no squeqy ppl. aslong your mature its all gd but more my age be great. i been playing for a couple hours game takes ages to get anything or any where alone so a group ge great lol
  9. 1989ben

    New player

    i join you too if you like im stuggeling alone. well i mean stugle as im always running from zobies not fighting. or take forever crawling to get close to any where gd to loot