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Everything posted by mibz0r

  1. Seriously ANY respect I had for Rocket and his idea's went out the window the moment I heard about this and TBH if he does bring this shit (no pun) into the standalone I will personally hunt him down with a bag full of real shit.
  2. @Faceman Peck As I don't server hop for loot I feel I have the (slightly) higher ground on this issue, server hopping onto New server's just for the Heli isn't really the same either, IMO it's a form of trolling or abuse of the system, anyway who needs 6 Heli's really
  3. Anyone advise me where I could find proof of duping so I can actually ban his ass, new to this server stuff TBH, there is a bit in the logs I read last night that I will post later when I get home and I found dodgy, something about having no ID or similiar
  4. mibz0r

    Helicopter not spawning

    If you want one that bad rent a flaming server so you have one, scumbags jumping 30 servers for a Heli
  5. mibz0r

    Banned for flying helicopter

    Are you one of the players doing this ?? or did you dupe any items to repair the Heli coz if you duped stuff on my server to repair it then I'd ban you too.
  6. I see we do agree on some points then ;)
  7. I get the alpha testing etc but as an admin who pays the bills and try his best to keep the server clean, I believe things like this are wrong at best and would love to be able to ban the sh1thead from (ab)using my server. I'm currently scouring my logs for any proof of wrongdoing that will allow me to ban him. PS after confronting him about this and potential duping he left map markers with messages to me (admin) telling me he doesn't dupe and he will report me if I ban him which is getting close to abusing the admin or the system in my eye's
  8. mibz0r

    battle eye ban... all server

    You sir are a freaking idiot No wonder the French have never won a war
  9. mibz0r

    How is that possible?

    you contradict yourself quite well don't you An admin has no power to do that kind of thing without illegal scripts (hacks) so in a way you are complaining (or crying as I said) about hacks. I didn't so much mean to have a go more to say get you to listen to what people are saying on the forums that you don't seem to have spent any time on. Try living by the first rule of DayZ: Do NOT get attached to your gear, if you can do that you might find that things like this don't bother you half as much. On a side note if you want to play with the Heli you could always come help my boys fix ours up tonight and have a play with it.
  10. As you can see on this thread I'm looking for players to join us on our new server and the only problem I could see is your use of steam for voice comms, other than that if your interested message me and I'm sure we can sort something out.
  11. mibz0r

    Just saw a hacker on Facebook.

    Oh you could get him to join my server and I'll get him on the community banlist when I get the proof from the logs
  12. mibz0r

    Whipe the Hive

    You are the one with problem, you have no life. I can find what I need quite easily without collecting shitloads. Also if you're not complaining then what is it coz it seems that way to me.
  13. mibz0r

    Quick Change in servers lead to death

    First rule of DayZ applies
  14. mibz0r

    Quick Change in servers lead to death

    could be private hive
  15. mibz0r

    Whipe the Hive

    YES PLEASE!!!!
  16. mibz0r

    How is that possible?

    Well you know why the Heli went missing then, as for being unconscious, I (and others) believe its the bug, I've never EVER heard of a hacker using that against someone, if there was a hacker he would have a lot better ways of dealing with you than knocking you out. If you spent a bit more time on the forums (not just coming on to cry hax) then you would probably have a different opinion of what happened.
  17. Try connecting to a server but waiting in the lobby until you see the message telling you that Battleye is updated to 1.175 which is the latest version and then join into the game, one of our players had this issue and it was because he did not wait for it to update properly before starting to play. Might not be the problem your having but worth a try.
  18. mibz0r

    Whipe the Hive

    Sounds like you are part of the problem not the solution with that amount of gear
  19. mibz0r

    How is that possible?

    Again I ask, did you get shot near the Heli??
  20. mibz0r

    Dean Hall, you will need massive Balls!

    Man you have my beans simply because you feel the same as me, fix the broken mechanics but F**K the moaners/whiners and make the game how it was originally intended.
  21. mibz0r

    How is that possible?

    You got shot near the Heli?? If so then the Heli being gone is no surprise but as for the knocked out bug yeah we all seem to get that when we least want it to happen.
  22. mibz0r

    Whipe the Hive

    As far as I know the off map parking doesn't work anymore on public and especially not on private, as for the L85 "heavy weapon" are you for real there's nothing heavy about it, it uses the same rounds as the M4 and M16 so its not a heavy weapon OK the NV and thermal may be a little OP but only if your actually any good at using it. I wish people would stop crying about every weapon they don't like coz at this rate we'll all be running round with only zombie dinner bells if the whiners have there way. PS its WIPE not WHIPE MOD please please send this to the graveyard with all the other moaning where it belongs