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Everything posted by mibz0r

  1. mibz0r

    Critique my planned PC build.

    As said already "GET AN SSD" Z77 supports SSD caching and it makes a BIG difference to your PC's speeds, I have a Z77 system and the boot and reboot times are amazing, games and apps load in no time at all.
  2. mibz0r

    Helicopter 404

    Is there any way an Admin can check to see if the server has actually spawned a Heli at all?? don't need to know where just IF it has.
  3. mibz0r

    "You have been kicked from the server"

    If you don't know how to then don't mess with the registry or you may end up with more problems, try fully uninstalling Arma and then running Ccleaner, selecting the registry section and letting it clean all registry errors, run it till you see no more errors and then re-install Arma and Dayz
  4. mibz0r

    Why no IP bans for hacking?

    Did anybody even read my post about a banned IP being assigned to innocent players, seriously some people on this forum are complete F'wits or simply don't read properly.
  5. mibz0r


    You can also get friendly fire messages when you hit another player
  6. I thought the AS50 TWS was never in the game, I'm sure it was the M107 TWS that was in game not the AS50 variant
  7. mibz0r

    Instaling Arma 2 and OA seperately

    OA is 1.60 then 1.62 As for the FTP problem I just tried and I think its your end mate coz its fine for me
  8. mibz0r

    Shoot all un-armed bandits on sight.

    All these people slagging off the Ghllie suited guy, I'm a hero and do not KOS but I wear a ghillie a lot so I am going to say your all feckers and deserve anything you get.
  9. mibz0r

    Why no IP bans for hacking?

    You sound like one of those "12 year olds" with that comment. Let's see how you feel when you try to join a game and your IP is banned coz some lil script kiddie get's an IP ban and you end up being assigned that IP randomly by your ISP, seriously if you don't understand the basics of what we are discussing keep your head in the sand where it belongs.
  10. Best comment in this thread so far because I actually agree AS50 TWS needs to go
  11. Come on meet me on a server and I'll personally give you a rangefinder for nothing (after I've teabagged your dead body and stolen all your other gear)
  12. ABSOLUTE BS you're a bigger idiot than the OP with that kind of comment, I have a crew of 5-6 regulars and we could easily fill a Ural and a V3S. @Mouselegs stop accusing people of duping/scripting you poor little man, play the amount of time me and my crew have done and you'll soon eat your own words.
  13. I'm not attached to my gear but I will say that there is no way this mod would have hit the amount of players it has had if things like storage were not available, also as you say, it's an Alpha, so deal with it coz the "Alpha" argument works both ways. you're a F'in idiot, but that's my opinion
  14. OK so your home server (or every server you have tents on) goes offline forever and you lose everything you have because of this idea, would you be happy with that?? Really some people need to put brain into gear before posting things like this
  15. mibz0r

    Playing in a clan SUCKS!

    I get the impression that some of the Mod's in the forum do things like this because they're bored (or on a slight power-trip) BTW thats not an attack because most of the time they're quite good, just sometimes they move or lock threads for no apparent reason except for one they see in their own head.
  16. mibz0r

    Playing in a clan SUCKS!

    That sound really shitty man, my crew is a very helpful even though sometime we have moments of stress where we growl at each other or someone logs off because they can't be bothered (I can admit to getting stressed with players I feel are doing things wrong or dying stupidly and being a dick about it when I shouldn't) but we all have a good laugh and will go out of our way to get a member back to the group if things go wrong, we help anyone quite a few times before getting to a point where we may leave them to their own devices so your experiences sound really bad to me. One thing I will say about all of this and clan/group play in general is that in any situation we are all people with very different attitudes in life and this reflects a lot in games (especially Dayz) so finding a group who all get on perfectly is never going to happen straight away but if all you say is true and their attitude towards you was not based upon something you did wrong or your attitude then they are a bunch of dicks because like I said my crew don't always get on BUT we always stick together and will travel the length and breadth of the map just to help someone get back to the group or retrieve their gear, find a group who you can get on with and move on, you know you want to ;) PS I have to also thank you for making this post as I've taken it as a wake up call about attitudes in game and will be personally speaking to a couple of people I've raged at and eating humble pie tonight.
  17. mibz0r

    Global RCon issue?

    damn double quote
  18. mibz0r

    Global RCon issue?

    So your saying that NONE of us should have this issue now??
  19. find a server that sticks at the Joining screen, join it and close the game task manager several times then try joining a good server you will eventually end up on the coast
  20. mibz0r

    Global RCon issue?

    I've been getting the same issue and also getting "Received invalid data from BE Master (6)" followed by "Update attempt failed"
  21. mibz0r

    Keep getting banned

    Maybe the CD key you bought was banned.
  22. mibz0r

    Helicopter Leak

    check you don't have Auto-hover still turned on with engine stopped because it can drain fuel, weird I know but it happens
  23. I've been resurrected twice now and it's quite amusing, I died to unknown circumstances not another player and when I logged into my home server I have been alive with all my days alive and my gear still as they were before death.
  24. If they do keep coming back with different GUID's then you could temporarily ban the IP as well to stop them but remember someone else could get that IP at a later date.