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Everything posted by mibz0r

  1. mibz0r

    I've Got a Help Challenge For You!

    Did you run both games once before trying to run DayZ?
  2. mibz0r

    weird glitch/hack?

    can you access your bag? if so then use a bandage and you should be able to move.
  3. Only thing the AS50 is truly any use for in game is to stop vehicles or for ensuring a kill at 700m+ but very few people use it for those purposes because ammo for it is way to easy to come by with the current state of the game, I'll stick with my L85 for night time security and CCO SD at all other times.
  4. mibz0r

    Grounded the little turd

    @budbaker maybe your daddy hated you and that's why your so bitter.
  5. I was hooked till you said no NVG's, seriously dude I'll never be able to play as I don't get on till later and most servers that run daytime at IRL night time are usually packed and I prefer mid population not full to the brim. Why is it all this "balancing" people are doing always seem to bring one or two absolutely stupid (IMO) changes.
  6. mibz0r

    Grounded the little turd

    Harsh maybe, but I have three lads and if I caught one of them cheating I'd probably sell their PC, I've played games since I was 13 and the only "cheat" I ever used was a level cheat for Lara Croft on the Playstation so I was only cheating myself. Let's just hope the lesson had been learnt.
  7. mibz0r

    A few good men

    I have replied to all the current interested parties ;)
  8. mibz0r

    A few good men

    Numbers are slowly growing and we have room for noobs so either reply in this thread or PM me.
  9. mibz0r

    Remove shock

    To that one I say get a decent machine or pay for decent internet, I don't wanna see some laggy mofo teleporting across my screen when I try to put him down.
  10. mibz0r

    Establishing a New Rep as a Trader. [What I have to offer]

    I'm looking for FN-FAL mags, I have an SVD camo, M24 and various bits like GPS, NVG, rangefinder. let me know if we can trade.
  11. mibz0r

    Invisible wall at edge of map?

    Its not out of the admins control as far as I know an Admin would have to set this up it doesn't just automatically set itself, I did say "bordering on" which means not exactly but close.
  12. mibz0r

    DayZ, Runs on pretty cr***y pc

    AS50 AWS??? you sure you don't mean a TWS coz if it's an AWS I wanna see it.
  13. mibz0r

    DayZ, Runs on pretty cr***y pc

    Nice to know as I've just built a basic machine for a mate to play Dayz with, looking at your specs the system I built should be fine.
  14. If I see a bus blocking the road I turn round and find the quickest route away from there because a bus blocking the road spells ambush to me.
  15. mibz0r

    Remove shock

    Don't mess with how it works just when it is implemented and it will be fine. Self Epi would have to be a panic mechanism whereby you either manage to hit the right combo as you go under or you don't simple as, No way you're sticking an epi-pen into yourself whilst unconscious
  16. mibz0r

    Alright do you think I should do it?

    Videos or it didn't happen
  17. mibz0r

    Where can I find...

    Oh I know the risks but I don't believe that he would offer it openly on the thread, I would more likely to not trust him had he offered by PM and I'm willing to give someone the benefit of the doubt.
  18. mibz0r

    Where can I find...

    Now that's an offer I'd be mad to refuse
  19. mibz0r

    Where can I find...

    That is about the best price I've found but I'm trying to be a scrooge as his PC went over budget so if I could find it for £10 I'd be happy, Looks like I will be buying it from them if I don't find it cheaper by 6pm.
  20. mibz0r

    To the squad of 5 on US 1381

    Pics don't work for me but after the comments not sure if I'm bothered.
  21. Well played, you have my beans just for the Floyd question and the reaction to his "who" answer. Being too young to know Pink Floyd is not a valid excuse, you did right to kill him.
  22. mibz0r

    Invisible wall at edge of map?

    I'm all for the wall being there but killing players for going past (or trying to) is ridiculous and bordering on admin abuse, I'd be pretty pissed if I had a geared character hunting camps on the edge of the map and I just happened to die because I strayed over that line.
  23. Don't like the loot table changes you have made AT ALL, also the ALT& F4 problem whilst there is a need to stop this behavior the mechanism must be perfect or it may end up punishing players wrongly.
  24. mibz0r

    Traders and Traitors

    Mr Fleshy +1 for a quick and painless trade from this thread, guy even read my mind and gave me the exact GR that I was thinking of proposing as a meeting spot.
  25. mibz0r

    The lesser of two evils.

    You must be lucky with choice of server or have way too much time on your hands, I usually find that a scripter or three has messed with vehicles or there is a clan hoarding them, I think that there should be some kind of anti-hoarding measure MAYBE but I still say that if vehicles moved after a short time it would be bad. Tents losing gear after death is sort of like your tent being stolen from by people finding it now you are dead and can no longer protect it, or at least thats how I would see it. All that said PENDRAGON hit the nail on the head, we should have no real input as to how the game is made, just how well a mechanism works or doesn't when alpha testing but no input as to whether it becomes a part of the final game etc.