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Everything posted by noriveia

  1. I feel it has helped but i think it would help more if people knew what it was! haha most people don't seem to know why I look different!
  2. So I was running around doing my usual hero antics and ran into a guy who was recording and by the end of the night we had rounded up a gang of 5 people running together. But in the midst I managed to get one of them stuck in a mountain by dragging his body while some revived him(this looks very funny by the way) He turns into a talking head stuck in the ground Ended up having to put him down after trying all I could think of to fix it. Very funny skip to 12 minutes to just see that part:
  3. noriveia

    Soft Kill options

    NON-LETHAL OPTIONS I'm an avid hero in game, I spend my time bringing supplies to people, escorting newbs off the beach, picking people up in my car and taking places, starting fires and cooking for people etc.. Thats how I've decided to play and despite my hero skin I get shot a lot without any discussion. This is normally because I come up on people and say "hi don't shoot I'm just here to help" instead of shooting on site. I refuse to shoot another player because i don't want to accidentally kill them. I would like some soft kill options. A taser (the kind that fires like 10ft), pepper spray, pistol whip knockout, sneak up from behind sleeper hold/choke out and worse case scenario being able to shoot someone in the leg without worrying about it killing them (as long as I patch them up) I would like to disable someone/ have it knock them out - loot what I need to loot drag there body somewhere safe and leave them to recover. I wish this wasn't nessisary but currently the hero has no way to defend himself and still be a hero! I think a lot of people would opt for soft kill instead of killing if they had the choice. I think we have a lot of bandits just becase they have no other option! Soft kill weapons could be a fun aspect of zombie combat too! Taze a zombie because its all you had but run because the zombie is going to get up Soon! BONUS WOULD BE MAKE SOME OF THESE OPTIONS(choke out and pistol whip maybe) ONLY AVAILBLE TO HEROS AS A REWARD FOR HERO BEHAVIOR.
  4. i have had a good run lately 8 survivors in row not trying to kill me and fun friendly interactions with all. But none of them knew why my skin was different =/ I taught them all so hopefully they are respectful to heros in the future!
  5. noriveia

    Does humanity reset at death?

    We noticed last night Humanity reseting when we put on some civilian clothing we found. May putting on different clothing resets it ?
  6. noriveia

    Soft Kill options

    Just to add to my point that shooting in the leg doesn't current work! Last night buddy got stuck int he ground with a clipping error we decided to trying knocking him out and draggin his body hopefully getting him out of the glitch I shot and patch him all the way down to 1200 blood it never knocked him out and the next pistol shot to the toe killed him =/ I couldn't knock someone out under even the most constrolled circumstance! I got my first and only murder!
  7. noriveia

    A buddy system and Steam Integration.

    Spawning ON LIVE FRIENDS IS A BAD IDEA but! Allow a group to all spawn for the first time together would be fine. Basically if everyone is dead you can PARTY join a server and it will spawn you all around eachother but once people die and respawn they would have to find the group. I must admit i do enjoy the time spent trying to find people. But with out alt tabbing to a map it would be impossible with a map its at least interesting. I feel its part of the punishment for dieing is getting seperated fromt he group.
  8. People arent as kill frenzied as you think I refuse to kill anyone except those with bandit skins my last 8 encounters with people have been great! Last night I ended up with a group of 5 people running around with me! Granted I think the Hero skin does seem to give a half a second more to tell people im friendly. I think soft kill options (non-legal) options would totally calm down the shoot on site issues. Most people would rather knock someone out than kill anyways.
  9. noriveia

    Soft Kill options

    haha BELIEVE IN HEROS we exsist! These options would be very interesting mized with the restraining people options i see floating around the forums. Knock someone out and tie there hands with rope forcing them to find someone with a hunting knife to cut them free =) good luck finding help with a bandit skin. As a hero I dont mind letting someone else do the killing for me =) I think people would find it hilarious to not help a bandit and leave him alive running around with his hands tied from zombies! Of course let the bandits use it too to really screw people.
  10. I really like this idea. Limited tool belt and skills books to learn how to do things at all or do them faster. The idea of being able to teach other players skills would be fun! "Hey can someone teach me CPR!?" "Sorry buddy I don't swing that way!" I think this would add a lot of replayablity to the game as it is totally random what tools and/or skill books you're going to find next time you spawn. Great idea!
  11. noriveia

    Blunt Melee Weapons and Taking Prisoners.

    Playing as a hero I would LOVE to be able to knock out a bandit, handcuff him and drag his body out into the middle of the street for him to wake up cuffed. You could add rope to tie someones hands up and another player with a hunting knife could cut them free or handcuffs and you would need someone with a toolbox! (tool box is more rare already)! I dont think you should be able to tie someones legs up too. They should always be allow to run! you would get people running aorund looking for other players to free them.
  12. noriveia

    Soft Kill options

    Hand cuffs could be an interesting option too. Wake up disarmed and handcuffed haha
  13. noriveia

    Post-it notes

    I think it would be fun to be able to find post-it notes and leave notes around for other players to see. Work like this: Post-It notes in your tool belt, right click write note, you type the note and it creates the written note in your inventory, you can then place it places through the regular gear menus. BONUS would be being able to right click and stick them to walls, ground or trees etc... I just think it could be fun to find someones tent and have a note of there that says "Take what you want" or "I have you in my cross hairs" Find a body and find a note in his pocket "I didn't want to kill him, but he stole my beans" Leave a note to friends "went to hunt be back soon" I personally want to be able to leave food and supplies on the ground for people with a little note "Compliments of a hero; be one!" Or kill a bandit and leave his body on the ground with a warning note "Not in my town, bitch!" just for people to find and smile. And sneaking up behind someone and sticking a note in there backpack " I could have killed you" for them to find later could be very fun. I just think fun little items that allow player to express themselves and interact with people will add more depth to the players and the game.
  14. noriveia

    Post-it notes

    I did I see diarys but not notes you can leave places for others to find. Granted I did not go back through ever single page on search results but i didnt see it in the first couple
  15. noriveia

    Soft Kill options

    Beanbag rounds for a shotgun or pepper ball paintball guns would be awesome but really besides a police station where would you find those!
  16. noriveia

    Soft Kill options

    I know you can shoot people int he leg now but I have too many times (once is too many) shot someone in the leg who happen to have low health and killed them. I really don't want that.