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Everything posted by K0ldKn1ght

  1. K0ldKn1ght

    Stress Reliever >_-

    I think it would be super neat if a stress mechanic was introduced for authenticity. Every situation your character is in creates a certain amount of stress e.g. the more zombies you have aggro the more stress. The only way to relieve the stress is to masturbate, while doing the deed special attributes are given to your character like super human hearing, increased stamina and blood regeneration. As a fresh spawn masturbating will completely alleviate your stress but the older a character gets the more exotic their tastes become to the point where you must collect things like riding crops, butt plugs, gimp suits and nipple clamps etc. If another character is involved the stress is completely removed and even giving bonuses to your mood. Discuss.
  2. It would be good if the extra pack is some how visually represented, either an over the shoulder satchel or finally a use for the vest pouch. If weight limits are also introduced it would stop the person with the extra bag from carrying like 4 as50s but have plenty of spare weight to carry a butt load of med supplies or ammo etc.
  3. K0ldKn1ght

    bigger and stronger zombies in nort

    When zombies are fixed in the standalone they should be more difficult to deal with in general like being able to run in buildings. I would also like the zombies losing LoS in trees fixed too.
  4. Long time listener, first time caller. TL/DR. Make certain items and resources rare and finite, encouraging players to set up trading hubs/shops and create influence. Introduce the real zombie infection to create a currency. Introducing a mechanic like a temporary Zombie Infection Blocker (ZIB) (which gives immunity to the infection for a certain amount of time) could be used as an effective currency. Introducing ZIBs (love the acronym) would mean having all attacks by zombies spread infection, once infected players will have a certain time to take a ZIB or risk becoming a zombie. On the map there should be a central city/town where a facility was located that manufactured ZIBs but has been wiped out, the area should spawn ZIBS in a steady stream but be the only location for them. A group of people or clan could theoretically control the territory inluencing the entire maps supply of ZIB. Homemade ZIBs could be possible after collecting the necessary tools and supplies but be of very poor quality. Examples of changes to resources. - Fuel. A big one. At the moment all fuel stations have unlimited fuel in the tanks and all services stations have tanks. Only a fraction of the service stations should have fuel in the tanks and the tanks that have fuel should change randomly. The tanks should start full then when depleted fuel should spawn into a different tank somewhere else on the map. The tanks should be destructable and if destroyed the fuel will be on a substantial timer before respawning again though in a defferent tank. Fuel tankers should be introduced onto the map, making excellent targets of opportunity for bandity either stealing or destroying. - Weapons. I've seen many other people suggest weapon degradation and I support it 100%. A rare weapon rapair "tool" could be added making people with the tool highly sought after. Weapons of the same kind could be broken down and used for spare parts. Lubricating oil could be a rare resource found in residential garages or service stations, used to maintain a gun reducing wear and tear and the chance of jams. - Other. Someone else smarter than me think of some. :) I think an idea like this opens up so many opportunities and possibilities for this game. Become extemely influential by controlling a servers fuel supply, the ZIB manufacturing plant, merchant lord by establishing a safe trading zone or just create total mayhem as a bandit leader. AMAZING I love this game and the community. PEACE OUT
  5. K0ldKn1ght

    Merchant Prince, Bandit Kingpin.

    Hhmmm...I don't know about trading being to prevalent in a zombie apocalypse. Thinking about it, if after I saw a stranger and felt certain he was friendly the first thing I would say after hello is "got anything to trade." The whole point of the ZIB (now I'm getting sick of saying it, go figure) economy is options. I know from playing Dayz mod for a while that after a few deaths the usual go to 'cherno' find some supplies, go inland get better guns, find people to kill/help gets a little lackluster. With an enonomy in place it gives fresh characters the option to say go to a merhant or a clan and offer their services in exchange for ZIBs which they can in turn use that to purchase items or equipment they might not otherwise had access to. Role players could really get into it, perhaps playing a mercenary protecting a fuel convoy or trading post. A quirky idea for the tents and loot piling could be, having new characters be the offspring or relative of the previous character. The previous characters tent and stored belongings could be randomly relocated (outside of cities) on the map then the new character would start with a piece of paper with a crude map showing the new lcoation of the tent, a will of sorts. My ideas are more for when the game ages and people are looking for purpose to continue playing. Please think in those terms when reading my posts.
  6. K0ldKn1ght

    Merchant Prince, Bandit Kingpin.

    One ZIB manufacturing facility in the entire country could not hope to sufficiently supply the population with enough "temporary" vaccine, so there will always be plenty of people going without. lone wolves would find it harder to get ZIBs but thats just natural lots of things are harder when alone but its easier to stay hidden when alone, and they can always get by with the homemade ones. Griefing is always possible but thats a part of the strategy if you want to become a big fuel supplier, create stock piles or protect as many stations as you can, or actively hunt the bandits. I'm assuming alot obviously and it would have to be large servers.