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About soullessnut

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    On the Coast

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  1. soullessnut

    The Heroes of DayZ (Youtube Video)

    That's the point.
  2. soullessnut

    The Heroes of DayZ (Youtube Video)

    Me and my friend decided to start making DayZ videos just for fun, and I thought i'd post one of them here. In this video we run around Chernarus, helping survivors and battling tyranny in the name of Bonnie Tyler. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A54xKMKFNCc
  3. hopefully this hasn't already been suggested (searched and didnt find anything about it), but i feel like melee weapons should serve a secondary utility purpose kind of like the current hatchet does in the mod. this would be a good feature because most people won't notice any significant difference between hitting a zombie with a lead pipe and hitting a zombie with a tire iron, meaning there would be no reason to have them both scripted into the game. but you could do things like Tire Irons are needed to repair a vehicles tire, crowbars can pry open locked doors, or gardening spades allow you to plant crops, or whatever. you get what i'm saying.
  4. soullessnut

    A new level of hack.

    I don't own a server, but hacking is clearly becoming more and more of prevalent. i was playing on a server a few days ago and met some nice fellow in a guillie suit with an FAL. he ended up giving me a Mk 48 Mod 0 Camo... this is an LMG that's so big it removes your backpack. i didn't think about it until later that day (because of the excitement of just getting such a good gun) but he seemed to just pull it out of thin air, and he would have had no where to put it since he had an FAL in his hand. then on the same server i found a bunch of tents full of the rarest items in the game. NVG's, multiple copies of every rare weapon, antibiotics, range finders, etc. so i switch to a different server, and its pretty much the same exact thing. everyone has guillie suits and rare weapons, theres noobs flying around in helicopters, etc etc. its gotten completely out of hand and makes the game almost unplayable unless you're hacking.
  5. it is possible on most handgun magazines because they have numbered witness holes on the back, but most rifle magazines don't. i think the best way to accomplish this would be doing it how the red orchestra games do, where holding the reload button lets you check how heavy your magazine is to guesstimate how much ammo is left.
  6. I know body armor has already been suggested probably a million times, but i don't think anyone has touched on the topic of different protection levels. For example in real life there are two types of body armor, soft armor and hard armor. Soft armor is only rated for protecting the wearer from pistol caliber rounds and shrapnel from explosives, where as hard armor is rated for high powered rifle rounds. There are also different levels of both types such as (in order of protection) level 1, 2A, 2, and 3A for soft armor, as well as threat level 3 and 4 for hard armor. All the ballistic protection that each level provides is available online. But what i'm getting at is that having the different protection levels would in my opinion make bullet proof vests more balanced, and also add even more realism to the game.