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Posts posted by Titanic3

  1. Not much, the 3570k came out a littler later than the 2500k and is slightly faster at stock speeds but costs about $50 more. An overclocked 2500k will be faster than a stock 3570k and nearly the same as an overclocked 3570k. So go with the 2500k, cheaper and you can always overclock it.

  2. Sorry guys, I haven't been on in a while. Hope I didn't answer too late, but yes, an i7 3610 is a very goodCPU. And a 7970 is one of the fastest cards out there. It's actually two GPU combined into one. So if you buy two 7970s, you literally have the power of FOUR GPUs. But of course, the thing costs over $500 or $600 last I looked. So yes, a 7970 is faster than a 670M :).

  3. Right now, the best cards for ~$200 is the Radeon 6870 or the 560Ti. Both will run Arma 2 flawlessly with an i5. You could go a little higher up and get a GTX 570 or 7850 for $50 more.

  4. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/79660-basic-hardware-help/

    My little guide that should help you choose a PC.

    PC case: $80-90

    Motherboard: $90-100

    RAM: $30-40

    GPU: $200-250 (if you want a good one)

    CPU: $200-250 (again, a good one)

    HDD: $100-120 (1TB)

    CD/DVD: $15

    PSU: $80-100 (a good one)

    That's about $750-850 if you're building a PC and it WILL run games like Arma and Crysis and Battlefield 3 maxed out. If you can re use some old parts from your old pc, like the case, ram and even the hard drive, that's about 100-200 off.

  5. For $700, you could build yourself a PC that is faster than what you can get from a pre built. A 7770 is not going to run DayZ/Arma 2 on ultra or even high. AMD processors are ok, but if you want the best bang for your buck, invest in a Intel CPU, the i5 and i7 series are the best ones out there.

    If youre interested, look at Tom's Hardware forums. Many people go there to sell their used gaming PCs, some of which are very good. Do a little research before hand so you know how some of them will perform. I've seen some used PCs that are worth thousands that gets sold for <$1000 on there. Of course, these are all users (think eBay) so there is a small chance you'll get ripped off and there is no warranty so be warned, though it wouldn't hurt to take a look.

  6. Point the wheels in the air (left/right depending on which side it's on) and keep holding down reverse. If you flip it and you're not bleeding, DON'T get off. Stay on and do ^

    If you have to get off, then try to see if you can't get back on. If not, your only option is to nudge it gently with another vehicle or wait for a reset.

  7. I'd be nice and give everyone beans. Soon I'll be known as Master Bean throughout the apocalypse. People will flock to me. I will build a town and then a city and name it Beantopia. Eventually, we will rid the world of zombies and I will become Emperor Bean of the New World Order. I will demand daily bean offerings In return for my help during the apocalypse. My empire will last 1000 years. All hail Emperor Bean.

    • Like 2

  8. It's fine where it is right now. The only reason you see so many is because of duping and the fact that more people play, more .50cals will be found, used, die with, and then gets re used. It's the only guns where combat loggers have no defense against and therefore moan and whine every time they get killed by one. If you don't want to get killed by one, learn how to scan areas. If you got nailed in the middle of nowhere, most likely you were running in an open field.

    • Like 2

  9. Enjoyed myself after killing a guy in Elektro's power plant. A while later, another guy walks up and loot the body. As I'm about to fire, I notice a third guy walking up the stairs. I laugh as both rake each other with bullets. The second guy manages to live but is bleeding and no doubt have less than 3000 blood. I let him loot the bodies and he walks out of the power plant only to kill a survivor with no gear. I promptly put a .50cal in his head.

    Karma is a bitch.

    • Like 1

  10. Correct me if I am wrong but I though only the DMR works with NVGs. How would one snipe at night with a .50 cal? Other then swapping your .50cal from backpack while scoped in on the L85 ( the .50 cal will be scoped once out of pack in the same spot as the L85 was but you gottah reload it) and hoping the guy don't move.

    That's basically it. I was watching the guy looting items. The moment he stopped and knelt down, I pulled out the .50 without moving my mouse. Zoomed in, and let a round go off. Pow. It's kind of gamey, but hey, if I had used a DMR, 50/50 chance he would've just combat logged. I only did this once, afterwards, I either just didn't snipe at night time or went to a different server.

  11. Lol, if you think that anyone can simply build a computer and not run into any problems without doing a fair amount of research and preparation you are crazy.

    I agree, anyone CAN do it, but it's not quite that simple.

    Heh, I was 8 when I built my first PC. I remember not plugging in a SATA cable all the way in. Had a cousin come over and show me the ropes.

    Now you have Google. If I was 8 and could do it, why can't a grown ass man do it, especially with the crap ton of info out there on the web?

    My cousin basically wanted to teach me how to build a PC. He bought the parts, and all he did was tell me which part went where. You can do the same by watching a video while your building the PC.

  12. I like your list of what are the good guns there, except I would switch out the FAL PN/NVS for a DMR. He has the NVGs alread so the DMR will work Day or night unlike the FAL and the ammo is far less rare.

    I always prefer the .50 cal snipers over any other (tried all except the SVD). Too many combat loggers, one hit kill prevents them from doing it. They're dead before they even hear the gunshot, literally. Sometimes, headshots aren't possible, wall blocking, a fence or a rock is covering them. One .50 to Any body part and they're done. As for night time, I have tried sniping at night with a .50 before. I also had a L85 with me. I can imagine it would work with NVGs as well. Spot them, wait until they stop, put your crosshairs on them, zoom in, pow.

    Nothing wrong with switching servers either if it's night time. ;)

  13. I ran back to body as quick as possible, but of course, it was looted and the guy ran for the hills. I didn't really mind the loss since I killed so many players and bandits in Elektro, that all I had to do was search the bodies for all the gear I lost. Then of course, a few hours later, he gets kicked twice for a script #. Which made me think whether or not he actually rolled to me or teleported behind me. No other players found me even though I was moving back and forth between the hills around Elektro after every couple of kills, but he found me rather quickly after his death. (remember, they can't hear the .50 cal since the bullet kills before the gunshot reaches them).
