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Everything posted by figure8

  1. Hey guys, so, I've been testing some different things to increase my performance in the game. One thing I've noticed with the -winxp param was a dramatic increase in performance, however, from time to time it renders hard and my fps drops considerably for about 10-15 seconds. I'm really hoping to find a possible solution to this problem while still being able to use this parameter because of the dramatic increase in performance it gives me when it's not dropping frames every now and again. I'm sure there is some way to tweak this so it's able to run off this parameter without any issues. I can provide a spec list if needed, thanks.
  2. figure8


    I'm looking for a group of players to play with. My friends don't play enough and it's best to play with other players. I'm from the U.S. Idc what we do, as long as we're having fun and no one steals my beans. Thanks.
  3. figure8


    Also gunna post here for finding a group. I live in the U.S. and I'm looking for a group of players I can roll with because my friends do not play enough. Don't care what we do as long as we're having fun. Thanks.
  4. Add me on steam Caterpillar. xxhasstxx<------
  5. figure8


    You're not too bad yourself cutie.
  6. figure8

    Looking for DayZ friends!

    Actually anyone that wants to form some sort of company add me, we could get a pretty good group of scavengers going here.
  7. figure8

    Looking for DayZ friends!

    Yeah bro add me, xxhasstxx
  8. figure8

    Looking for a clan to run with..

    You don't happen to be the Hutchinson that always drove too fast down my road, do you?
  9. figure8


    Steam prefered
  10. figure8

    How does one survive DayZ?

    If you'd like to create a group i'd be more than willing to join. That would be hella awesome.
  11. figure8

    out cold need blood + epi

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/3910-need-medical-assistance-we-can-help/ <----- They will give you all the help you need. :)
  12. figure8

    out cold need blood + epi

    I recommend you go to the Medical Assistance posts for legit Medics.
  13. figure8

    Would you Abort if in Danger of death?

    You, my friend, are hilarious.
  14. figure8

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    In need of a medic, right now i'm out of food and drink, i'm also sick and need antibiotics. I have Coords for the docs, will tell over steam. Steam name is xxhasstxx. add me please and send me a message. I'm at around 9k blood and bleeding out. Thanks.