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About Flam625

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    Canada, Ontario
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  • Bio
    I wanna be the very best Like no one ever was To catch them is my real test To train them is my cause
    I will travel across the land Searching far and wideEach Pokemon to understand The power that's inside
    Pokemon, its you and meI know it’s my destiny Pokemon, oh, you're my best friend In a world we must defend Pokemon, a heart so trueOur courage will pull us through
    You teach me and I'll teach you Pokemon, gotta catch 'em all
    Every challenge along the way With courage I will faceI will battle every dayTo claim my rightful place
    Come with me, the time is right There's no better team Arm in arm we'll win the fightIt's always been our dream
  1. Flam625

    New Player story/experience

    I like the concept "Players should think twice about killing players" I personally think there should be a slight penalty for killing players like; the blood from the player is on you so zombies are more atracted to you. I kill players everyonce in awhile and I feel bad because smetimes they're just scared and shoot to scare me away.
  2. Flam625

    The HORDE

    While running through Cherno I saw a hacker going trigger happy, he hopped in his car drove off and with a horde of like 50 he just drove off. Me not caring moved on to scout further when I noticed something that sparked this idea. Due to it being dark a bon fire in the distance which at first I thought was a fire glitch turned out to be some players who set up a campfire to settle down for awhile. The car drove past them and they scurried away, a minute later they went back to sitting down. Thats when I saw the massive horde sneak up on them and devour them. This got me thinking. What about hordes of zombies who travel the map towards player hot spots, a script could be added to see where the most shots, activitie and tents are and the horde will move that way. The horde can be like an event where each zombie carries an "Ok" to "Rare" item on them so engaging the horde and surviving will reward players for there hard work. But to make it difficult instead of a horde who dont hear silence shots and walk past there fallen comrades. They're more self aware in these hordes, or a "leader" is among them kinda like an "Alpha Zombie" which is smarter and sees whats going on around the horde. So instead of 3 guys with silenced M4's you have to be ready to take on a giant engagement. So after the first one falls they or the Alpha Zombie start searching you out. So once you fire and they "sense" you they will go BESERK. All opinons are welcome, Please try to be as positive as possible but major flaws should be pointed out.
  3. Flam625

    Lock sniper rifles in first person?

    Arma 2 is mostly a co-operative game so 3rd person was just something they added just for the hell of it. In DayZ you can play 1st person servers only. Also anyone can use 3rd person to there advantage, like looking over walls and around corners. Snipers just get one more reason to use it.
  4. Flam625

    A buddy system and Steam Integration.

    I think no spawning on them but when you and your friend start a new character you can spawn together
  5. Flam625

    A new reason to play

    This is what is happening to me, its the same thing, Spawn survive die. I feel with just the tiniest bit of story the game can regain that aspect of fun and adventure that it used to have.PS: MECHWARRIORS (4) LIFE
  6. Flam625

    A new reason to play

    They have announced that they will be sticking to Chernarus for Standalone (Possible new maps later) and since they're getting the engine and map to fuck around with there now thinking about removing small towns and making a uber city with a mall and some other new buildings, and the underground bases can serve multiple purposes, 1:Millitary loot, 2:My idea 3:Hideouts for bandits.
  7. Flam625

    A new reason to play

    Basically questing, But theres no gathering of pointless materials and no NPC's to help you and no one you go too to "cash in" you just stumble upon a clue and if you feel its worth checking out than you may but you can always just keep going, theres no EXP or certain reward, its all chance and this is especially good for people who have a hard time finding guns or ammo. So if a "noob" starts playing, instead of forum posting about how bad his experience is because he cant find a gun or a "Good" gun, he can just look for some clues to get him started and on his feet.
  8. Flam625

    Death should really be the end.

    In standalone there going to track your record for survival time, kills, distance walked and ETC... so you always trieing to push that record and dieing resets your 1 hour a way record breaker to 0 so all progress made is GONE, plus the devs are thinking of a reward sysetm for breaking set records and making new ones. So now all that means much more than what it does now.
  9. Flam625

    Death should really be the end.

    That wouldnt be fair, BOOM HACKER. or if you cant connect to servfers due to the country you live in IE: Australia, they can only use there servers or they experience uber lag and shit
  10. Flam625

    Death should really be the end.

    When you die you lose Zombie kills headshots murders, Too me thats what I love to get, High kills and what not. So when you die you lose that. The game is fair as it is and everyone who thinks it isnt must really shit because 80% of the players are thriving perfectly well.
  11. Flam625

    State of DayZ

    They cant drop every motherfucking thing to fix what you call top priority, they are trying to work on a FUCKING engine so give them a vreak and give them time, BE PAITENT and you will see that the game will turnout to be fucking awesome so dont be a prick.
  12. Flam625

    A new reason to play

    Ive looked into the Radio and ive listened to it many times and thats what sparked this idea for me, What im trying to get at is that I want more things like that from the game, more puzzles and mysterys like that to keep the game mysterious and fun. It can be a good thing for many people who like a little mystery in a game as stressful as DayZ, though I understand that focusing on this idea would throw the main aspect of the game away but having these little side mysterys would really make it more immersive. Also if you might not have heard rumors are going around about how green mountain is haunted, Imagine if it actually was, wierd noises objects move Zombies act differently doors open and close, now if that happened to me while me and my buddies are in a building id be shitting bricks, especially if maybe and apparition appeared. So if some little stuff like this is added now we have a fear factor to take into account.
  13. Flam625

    A new reason to play

    I feel like the instance's is basiclly WoW, but I like the idea of Coop missons, Maybe there can be two mods in standalone,1: Survival Multiplayer: Just regular DayZ as it is surviving and thriving 2: Coop Missons: You and some buddies are tasked to do some missons or tasked to hold a building at all costs with whatever guns you please to use.
  14. Flam625

    A new reason to play

    I understand that my idea sounds like a single player campaign, but in a Zombie apocalypse think about the history of the people before, being it a mechanic who left his prize car at his garage or the Hunter who left his weapons in his house. My idea helps players feel more connected and it eliminates server hopping and gets new players into the game much easier and faster. It also lets people like me find a new purpose to play. This could work well with player interaction because someone might be on the trail and you might find yourself working together or fighting one another. There would be no need for AI just cluse to guide you.
  15. Flam625

    How to take somebodys tent

    Its a small hack that Battle Eye doesnt give a flying fuck about. It allows you to take other peoples tents and inventory (Not the backpack there actual inventory)