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Everything posted by SavageXii

  1. http://dayzmod.com/f...character-data/ Name: HelpMe Player ID: 59060486 Please respond to me. You will be losing many customer's in the standalone for having such poor support. :(
  2. About an hour ago some hacker teleported me to him on the "Island" and said Hop in the boat or die. So I hop in and we Zoom off they have like speed hacks or something. We started flying and about 20,000m from elektro. All of a sudden there was a weird click sound and it was like I was unconscious but without the hourglass. And there was no way point anymore. I scrolled the mouse and all it had was "Eject" so I ejected. and then I hit "Esc" and "re-spawn" it said I had died. So I re-log into the server and it said "This server is running an incorrect version of server side application." I have reinstalled arma2 and arma2 oa, I have tried joining lots of different servers with current arma2 and dayz mod and past versions and new files on old servers and old files on new servers. I cannot think of anything else, apart from maybe my Character data is bugged? Can anyone help? or What should I do X_X
  3. SavageXii

    Glitched Character Data

    wow no response in this long
  4. Maybe when people realise that the standalone relies quite heavily on these developers who worked a lot with Rocket on Dayz. Maybe then people will participate in the petition. That is if they want to see the standalone in the next 20 years. No need to give me beans you ignorant selfish trolls that say "I no participate I no evidence".
  5. SavageXii

    Glitched Character Data

    Someone needs to reset our hive data qq
  6. SavageXii

    Glitched Character Data

    I have reinstalled and downloaded everything again. Don't think that's the problem.
  7. SavageXii

    Glitched Character Data

    DayZ- Arma-1.62.96754
  8. So I downloaded DayZ commander and I thought I needed to update my DayZ and Arma 2 Patch Then After I had updated to the latest of each...NO SERVERS AT ALL are available to me anymore.. Is there a way to unpatch? Or do I have to reinstall? Im not keen on downloading both arma's again... So is the patch in one game specifically? or what?
  9. SavageXii

    Bad Patch? Need Advice please!

    Changing the .exe that was playing hide and seek seemed to have fixed it :D
  10. SavageXii

    Bad Patch? Need Advice please!

    Can you give me an example? thats really confusing?
  11. SavageXii

    Bad Patch? Need Advice please!

    How come the server says its running installed:95248 servermin:95883 server:95885 and mod: and I just ran the 95883/5 patch Then when I tried to join the server its bad version cannot connect? Do I need 95248? Edit: Does it tell you if you want to remove this patch you need to reinstall arma?
  12. SavageXii

    Bad Patch? Need Advice please!

    I think Commander downloaded and installed ARMA2_OA_Build_96061.zip All the servers in my country are 95883 so will that website let me down grade?
  13. SavageXii

    Hour glass penalty after every login

    I also get K0 on log in even on fresh meat
  14. SavageXii

    Help with install

    So I saw DayZ on youtube and was like :o must play. Downloaded steam and bought Arma 2 CO It came with Arma 2 and Arma 2 Arrowhead Both are roughly 7gb. Do I need both downloaded and installed? Or can I play it after Arrowhead installs? because i only have arrow head completed atm... And is there a guide on installing the mod into arma?
  15. SavageXii

    Help with install

    Fml... 8 hours later on the download :l