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About Legolarsan

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  1. Legolarsan

    "Setup Completed Bug Help" - Answer To It

    Bump, still going on with this, I edited my first post.
  2. Legolarsan

    "Setup Completed Bug Help" - Answer To It

    Ok, now I will go to bed for the day, helped 26 poor souls to get back playing their game.
  3. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/78590-setup-completed-bug-help-answer-to-it/ This is my own thread in here.
  4. So far I've helped 9 people all together :)
  5. Legolarsan

    "Setup Completed Bug Help" - Answer To It

    Because it's so hard to make a new forum account :P I got 17 different emails.
  6. Legolarsan

    "Setup Completed Bug Help" - Answer To It

    How can we be in trouble when our names or id's isn't here? :) Tada, complaining.
  7. Hi, I have helped up to 4 people now. I have proof that I can help people that are stuck in the loading screen at, and setup completed at Just contact me on teamspeak Server IP: Warning: I use scripts, you don't like it? Don't ask me for help then. EDIT: So far I've helped 74 people all together Ok people, I've had an overload on my skype right now, so I've made a "TeamSpeak" server. Server IP: No password.
  8. Do you have anything else? Msn? The chat earlier in the topic?
  9. I got mine fixed, if anyone wants help they can add me on skype: stoney300 My method works even for the people that are on loading screen, proven once. Warning: I script, you don't like it, then don't ask me for help.