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Everything posted by Demissary

  1. Requirements: Mature player Has a mic Has some DayZ experience
  2. Demissary


    Just got back on DayZ and see all these new maps like DayZ 2017, DayZERO, DayZ Isladuala, DayZ ORIGINS, DayZ ORING, DayZ Redux and DayZ Thirsk which one is fun for you guys?
  3. Demissary


    Then you should hunt down bandits as a hero not become one
  4. Mic or some sort of communication Mature player Has some DayZ experience
  5. Demissary

    DayZ- My Best Story

    If you have had the same DMR for 2 months you clearly haven't done much as I've seen the most experienced DayZ players not keep their weapons for longer than a week
  6. Demissary

    DayZ- My Best Story

    Don't get attached to you items because you will lose them no matter what
  7. Someone Active and has some sort of communications like Skype,TS3,Vent, Etc. who has a decent mic and is a mature player who at least knows the basics and is willing to play other maps besides Chernarus, main thing is someone who is Active
  8. Demissary

    Looking for a partner

    I'll join
  9. Demissary

    Looking for mature teammates

    Which map you play on?
  10. Demissary

    HELP Please

    When I log into DayZ it says I have the wrong DayZ code and that I have DayZ 2.0 and need DayZ even though I installed it on DayZ commander Everything is up-to-date on DayZ commander except some extra maps
  11. Demissary

    DayZ: Celle or Tavinia?

    Which one takes more survival in your opinion?
  12. I live in PST, Im geared, I'm experienced at DayZ I have Steam,Skype,TS3, etc.
  13. Demissary

    Trading M24 for M16A4 ACOG

    PM or post I've got 2 mags with the M249
  14. Demissary

    A (long) dayz tale

    It's called a M16A4 ACOG not M16A2 ACOG
  15. Demissary

    Cherno's Church of Love

    You guys are acting like the North is hard, whenever I die I just go back up to the NWAF and gear up lol It's not even hard surviving in the North the odds of being killed are basically the same north or south
  16. Demissary

    My First Kill!

    Calm down man your making it sound like you actually murdered someone, it's a game have fun, these characters respawn it's not like you actually killed the guy :)
  17. Demissary

    Jason's Bean Shop - Fair and Honest Trades

    Jason you still want to do the trade?
  18. Demissary

    Trading 3 Tents

    Wants: Weapons
  19. Demissary

    Trading 3 Tents

  20. Demissary

    Jason's Bean Shop - Fair and Honest Trades

    I'll trade you 3 tents for a M24 and some mags
  21. Demissary

    Trading 3 Tents

    We can join up and trade how many tents would you want for your M24 and some mags?
  22. Need bandage and blood at the NWAF
  23. I'm at NWAF can anyone help?