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Posts posted by Ryan757

  1. My problem is I keep spawning in as a bandit after i die, it's getting anoying cause i'd like to join clans and not have to kill everyone i see cause they think i'm a bandit, i've moved on from killing everyone i see and want to be a survivor yet i spawn in with a bandit headband and a survivor suit, please help anyone who knows about this glitch, thanks.

  2. Name: Ryan

    Arma 2 Name: IDontKnow

    Age: 16

    TS3: Yes

    Mic: Yes w/ Headphones

    Job Wanted: Sniper

    Medic: Yes always carrys a few blood bags around with me.

    A personal reason you should be accepted: I've been playing the game for a few months now and certainly know my way around, and i've had my fair share of run ins with Bandits. I have another friend who would most likely be interested in joining although i havn't spoken with him in a few days. I consider myself a decent sniper but would love to learn more, all in all i'm a strong team player and would love some more people to play with.

  3. Currently have 3 people including myself looking to create a 5-6 man team, we play for 2-3 hours a day as a group due to school and such, currently playing from around 5pm-8pm EST. Post a reply with this information and I will pm you with my skype and such, Thanks.

    Timezone :

    Age :

    How long you've played dayz :

    Current gear owned on dayz :

    Time available to play from :

  4. Hi, i'm currently getting fed up of getting killed just as i gear up. I have about a month of experience, i'm currently out of gear cause i died (hence this post) I know plently of loot routes, i'm 16, from Toronto Ontario and my skype is "Nothiingspec" i prefer skype but i do have TS3 aswell, looking for someone around my age with some experience in the game, looking to play a lot (1pm-2pm,4pm-1am EST) Sent me a personal message or a skype friend request and we can talk.
