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About Ryan757

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  1. Yeah me and my friend would like to play add on skype if you want to play my skype is : Nothingspecial757
  2. Hey me and my friend are looking for another person to join our squad for tonight we use skype so if you're interested add me Skype : Nothingspecial757
  3. My problem is I keep spawning in as a bandit after i die, it's getting anoying cause i'd like to join clans and not have to kill everyone i see cause they think i'm a bandit, i've moved on from killing everyone i see and want to be a survivor yet i spawn in with a bandit headband and a survivor suit, please help anyone who knows about this glitch, thanks.
  4. Name: Ryan Arma 2 Name: IDontKnow Age: 16 TS3: Yes Mic: Yes w/ Headphones Job Wanted: Sniper Medic: Yes always carrys a few blood bags around with me. A personal reason you should be accepted: I've been playing the game for a few months now and certainly know my way around, and i've had my fair share of run ins with Bandits. I have another friend who would most likely be interested in joining although i havn't spoken with him in a few days. I consider myself a decent sniper but would love to learn more, all in all i'm a strong team player and would love some more people to play with.
  5. Getting bored of dayz, looking for someone else to play with, currently have me and another person, using skype. Add my skype if interested @ NothiingSpec
  6. Currently have 3 people including myself looking to create a 5-6 man team, we play for 2-3 hours a day as a group due to school and such, currently playing from around 5pm-8pm EST. Post a reply with this information and I will pm you with my skype and such, Thanks. Timezone : Age : How long you've played dayz : Current gear owned on dayz : Time available to play from :
  7. It's 10, but whatever >.> And it's kind of an exaggeration, more like 5-12 EST and 1-2, but thanks for your comment.
  8. Ryan757


    Massive lag spike, like quad posted, apologies.
  9. Ryan757


    Deleted, lag spike = 4x post, apologies.
  10. Ryan757


    I'd like to join, send me a pm and we can talk, i have about a month of experience and would prefer sniping but i can be flexible if that's unavailable
  11. Hi, i'm currently getting fed up of getting killed just as i gear up. I have about a month of experience, i'm currently out of gear cause i died (hence this post) I know plently of loot routes, i'm 16, from Toronto Ontario and my skype is "Nothiingspec" i prefer skype but i do have TS3 aswell, looking for someone around my age with some experience in the game, looking to play a lot (1pm-2pm,4pm-1am EST) Sent me a personal message or a skype friend request and we can talk.
  12. Deleted, Accidental double post
  13. DayZ Name : Ryan How long have you played DayZ : about a month Time Zone: EST Will you stay loyal to our group?: Yes What is your primary role requested?: (I.E. Sniper, Medic, Engineer) Sniper