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About BanditoTheBandit

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  • Interests
    Killing you

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  • Bio
    Part Time Bandit, Full Time Marine.
  1. BanditoTheBandit

    Classes for your player.

  2. BanditoTheBandit

    Got banned from the game for no reason please help..

    Banned for running a script, Cheater :D Just happened to not be running them during ur video. oh well
  3. BanditoTheBandit

    Server Restarts

    Nope they will restart with a server restart if they are not saved.
  4. BanditoTheBandit

    OP ED: Picking Female Skin Pros and Cons

    In this world of kill everything, Having boobs does not stop me from pulling the trigger on your fine rack,
  5. BanditoTheBandit

    Battleye issues.

    Well if its battleeye they might want to reinstall. Or they could have cracked versions of the game which would lead to them not being able to play.
  6. BanditoTheBandit

    Im getting NO servers show up.

    Right now only way to play is to connect directly to a servers IP address
  7. BanditoTheBandit

    How do you get your gear?

    Do you search for hours alone to find that rare heli crash and that great loot, or do you group up with people and use teamwork to find those wonderful gifts of weapons? Or are you like me and kill people just to get loot :D
  8. BanditoTheBandit

    Looking for Partner/Companion

    There is a 300 man TS server most people go play on when looking for random people to hook up with. But just be careful lol
  9. BanditoTheBandit

    Trees of doom!

    Basically never try to lay down near anything! Instead try to lay down and crawl up to it which may help your chances with glitching
  10. BanditoTheBandit

    Underestimation of Lee Enfield

    This weapon is really a game changer if you ask me. Its the easiest and more powerful weapon you can get early on in he game. Taking down other players in one shot is super easy and can make it easy for you to find better gear on dead bodies.
  11. BanditoTheBandit

    Tank Crash Spawn

    Really? Why would you seriously ruin a decent post with shitty spelling on purpose?
  12. BanditoTheBandit

    i dreamed about dayz :D

    You might be playing too much if you are starting to have dreams about it man
  13. BanditoTheBandit


    You want to zero for the distance you are shooting at that moment. If you have it too high the bullet will hit higher then you are aiming and too low means it will hit a lot lower then the spot you are aiming. 300m is just the default it is set at.
  14. BanditoTheBandit

    Banned for being in a thunderbolt jet.

    You wont get banned for using hacked items. You get banned for using scripts which you used to spawn in the jet. Trying to play innocent eh?
  15. BanditoTheBandit


    Certain weapons you can zero, Basically say you are aiming at a guy thats 500m away and you are zeroed for 300m you would have to aim higher to compensate for bullet drop. But you put the zero to 500m you can aim directly at him and the bullet will hit where you are aiming. Pg Up and Pg Dn are the default binds