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Everything posted by Soupee

  1. Soupee

    Share your /facepalm moments

    It's exactly two less clicks. You only need to drop two mags for some logs... and you keep your gun + some rounds if you need to defend yourself. I know it's "facepalm", but to save two clicks? How many hours have you spent with your finger holding down the W button?
  2. Interesting to see that pretty much no one (for this study) takes the route I generally take. Besides my brief time on the coast to get the basics. No wonder I never see anyone. :)
  3. Soupee

    Do you like third world Chernarus?

    I don't personally like the idea of having some sort of travel time between maps. If there's some type of loading screen/time between them... ok. But just auto eat/drink/use gas does not really appeal much to me. Neither does rolling the dice on having a flat happen or something like that. I'm all for bigger/connected maps, but there has to be a better mechanic than basically just respawning with less supplies.
  4. Soupee

    Your bad DayZ habits

    I wouldn't call this a "bad habit", but kind of how I play the game. I work the coast for quite awhile to collect what I consider "necessary" to move north. A gun/ammo, hatchet, matches, water bottle (or a few sodas), a few bandages, and a morphine syringe. This evolves from patch to patch. I seem to need a bandage more often than every other zombie hit anymore in the new patch. And I haven't broken a leg yet in the newest patch. So I get this basic pack built up and then I usually hit Balota to see if I can't get a little better weapon. Then I head due north and start exploring that way. I have basically never explored the northeast part of the map at all. Draw a line from Elektro through Novy and up past the NW Airfield... I seriously have been east of that about two times, and that's probably only because of having spawned there. My bad habit is once I get going up there I end up getting a little bit too "bold" and start risking it. I really think it's just because the north doesn't appeal to me much besides better weapons. But since I don't PVP unless fired upon, I don't have a ton of use for that. I do like collecting and moving north though I find myself a little bored after that. I haven't played much since the tents have been fixed. I like the stashes and the idea of actually being able to build up a decent amout of stuff up in the hills somewhere. So maybe once I get to that point I will find more enjoyment.
  5. Soupee

    thinking about returning

    OP, I quit for about the same amount of time. Partially because it became a counter-strike deathmatch, but also because my wife gave birth to our first kid seven months ago. I have started playing again the last few days. It has changed a lot, loot is much more rare (it seriously took me two days of playing a few hours each day to find a damn hatchet). I haven't had any run-ins with other players except as a fresh spawn. They were of course shooting me as I ran around unarmed. Hackers seem much more rare, they are obviously still around, but not nearly as common. I tried the private hive thing, but all of the different rules and stuff just turned me off. I'm sorry if I don't find it entertaining to spawn with full gear loadout and 10,000 vehicles. In fact, the absolute worst hacking I ever dealt with was on a private whitelist server. Me and everyone else on the server got killed/transported/whatever about five times per hour of play it seemed. Needless to say, I didn't stick around long.
  6. SideStrafe for me, but I think the first video I watched about DayZ on YT was someone else. They were running around by a church and were trying to fix a bus. I love SideStrafe's matter-of-fact tone, he wasn't really "good", but he was entertaining. Everytime some zombie hits me through a wall or some other BS I always think of one of my favorite comments of his regarding DayZ. "That was not a good encounter." Or something like that. Always funny. I also watched quite a bit of Devil Dog Gamer's DayZ content as well, but I confess that I never really liked him as a DayZ player. I always thought he was an ass.
  7. Oh yeah, with the front and back USB coupled with CD/DVD combo drive you'll be fine.
  8. Sidestrafe has some good less/non-edited stuff. I do disagree with the "make sure you have a friend" comment. I really enjoy playing alone!
  9. Soupee, have been on a few times in the past few days. Would LOVE to be a bit more sheltered from the cheats. :)
  10. Looking for a private, password protected server. I'm a lone wolf who has been playing for a few months. Don't mind getting shot but being in an environment where that isn't the norm would be great. I have two total murders to my name and have never been the first to shoot. I pretty much keep to myself... just want to get away from all the hackers and. KoS nonsense of public servers... not to mention tents and vehicles not saving. Let me know! Soupee
  11. Soupee

    Swift Gaming Private HIVE

    Gonna try once you update to ;)
  12. Number of times I've been killed by hackers on regular servers in about two months: approximately once. Number of times I've been killed on this private hive by hackers in approximately two hours of playtime: eight. What gives?
  13. Finally decided to give it a shot tonight... won't be back. Was killed 4-5 times by hackers as was everyone else. Plus there was literally almost no loot anywhere... is this normal? I found a can of pop and a crowbar. General stores and fire departments were completely clear as were most of the houses and garages. :(
  14. Yeah that started happening awhile ago.
  15. Kind of hard to specify a computer without knowing the requirements.
  16. Kind of hard to specify a computer without knowing the requirements.
  17. Soupee

    A problem and a clash of ideals

    Except for the coyote backpack you should be able to find replacement stuff pretty readily. Even near the coast, actually.
  18. Soupee

    Hey you, persisting in the cold...

    I get PK'd by some clown and I get pissed and stop playing... but I keep getting called back.
  19. Well, I found a Bizon at a chopper crash shortly before dark. I was in the general vacinity of the NW airfield, not many folks on the server as it started to get dark. I decided since I had a surpressed weapon I'd make a go at it in the dark. Got in and searched the first few hangars with little to no loot. Had a kill a zombie with the Bizon. I was near the back 3/4 of one of the hangars when I heard another shooter nearby and off to the right. So I hunkered down in the corner hoping he didn't see/hear me and would just pass by... Well, of course he knows I'm there. He approaches... I switched from Bizon to DMR ( before deciding that I wanted to be able to see both sides of the opening of the hangar) then to my M16A2. He gets close to the opening and I can see what looks like the front end of a DMR but he stops. He drops back some and chucks a flare into the hangar. No communication from him or from me... I'm tired of announcing my presence as friendly just to have someone smear me and I'm not letting my guard down long enough to type or press voice button. He poked around while he was prone... I let him take the first shot (I'm not a PK and never will be... if I wanted to play Counter Strike I would). He hit me for a couple thousand damage, maybe a less... Then I lit him up with a few bursts and it was all over for him. It's a damn shame too... he had quite a bit of decent stuff including a ghillie suit and a ton of STANAG SD magazines. So that was my first player kill. It was pretty freaking intense... and honestly probably the most "emotion" a video game has ever got out of me. I felt bad... still do, not that I defended myself, but that so few people don't shoot on sight. That said he didn't DC or alt-f4, so I guess that was honorable. He had water but I didn't see any food on him. Had a few cooked meats he would have been more than welcome to should he have not been a shoot on sight fella. So [TSN] Newt, why'd you have to shoot? :( - Soupee (aka - still upright and taking nourishment) Also... thanks for screwing up my humanity. I was doing pretty good having bandaged and bloodbagged a few less fortunate guys along the way and approaching hero status. Hell, I even shot the zombies off a bleeding bandit the other day... He did stop long enough to take the M107 out of my pack, so lesson learned there I think.
  20. I've done the watching/waiting then call out friendly only for them to then shoot me. Honestly it is either avoid or, if cornered like I was, defend. There are so few willing to bloodbag or bandage you it is sad... they'd rather kill you when all you have is a hatchet to see if you are hiding something I guess.
  21. Soupee

    Question for the standalone.

    I guess I imagine the standalone being vastly different than the mod... wouldn't want anything transfered over either way.
  22. Soupee

    Question for the standalone.

    Why would you keep your stuff in the new game? It will be a completely new game...
  23. I told my brother awhile back that DayZ was Counter Strike with a more difficult and drawn out buying process. That's over simplifying it, but it's really too bad. I think it would be nice to have say... a 75% chance that your encounters with other players won't end in one or both of you dying. At this point it is what it is... I've played quite a bit in the past several week and have only killed one other player, I guess that's not too bad.
  24. How com I saw a guy running around in a turbin the other day? Or did they disable that again? I don't keep up on the patch stuff like I should... I just like to play. He has me pinned in the back of the hangar and he's on the outside... he is going to initiate the hostile contact, not me. Maybe he was throwing a flare as a sign of his enduring friendship... seems to me he had time to do that he could have typed. I wasn't going anywhere until he left on account of getting my ass handed to me the moment I walk out of the hangar. That coupled with a rough couple of days of being PKed after announcing my friendly status.