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About Snake956

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    Near Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Is that precise enough?
  1. La raison pour laquelle je ne répondais plus est parce que mon ordi a comme flamber... C'est une longue (un peu) histoire alors mon idee de clan tombe a l'eau. (j’utilise l'iPod qu'un de mes amis ma donner pour écrire ce message)
  2. Aucun problème si vous voulez pas rejoindre, je ne vous y force pas. la raison pourquoi j'ai dis non c'est qu'il bump tres vite et qu'il dit qu'il est bandit, j'ai pas envi qu'ont se fasse voler notre stuff. J'ai rien contre les bandits, je suis juste plus méfiant.
  3. Ta l'air un peu trop presser a mon gout, alors laisse tomber.
  4. *Sorry if this mesage is in french, it was just a pain to write it two time, use google translate if you want to understand what I said* Bonjour à tous les québécois et autres qui parle français. J'ai décidé de lancer un nouveau clan qui sera réservé a tous ceux qui parlent français. Si vous êtes intéressé a rejoindre, remplissez simplement ce questionnaire. Si vous décidez de nous rejoindre, vous serez ceux qui ont aidé a partir le clan, ou le contraire. Si le clan a un bon succes, je créerais un site web. Rejoignez-nous en grand nombre!
  5. Snake956

    State of DayZ

    At least, you know ive read the message. ive never had a bad experience with any of the staff member (well, i didnt had time), but moderating a forum is really hard and coding is too. Remember that this is a mod, and the conceptors also have a life, and cannot spend 24 hours per day each day to work on it. Also, making a mod is kinda hard, because there are some things you cannot edit and make it like you want, because of the original code and the game engine.
  6. I dont think you can keep it. its like as asking someone to steal a TV and steal the TV he got.
  7. Snake956

    [ZH] Zombie Hords is Recruiting

    This was a double post. It should be deleted.
  8. Snake956

    [ZH] Zombie Hords is Recruiting

    Hi, so, this is my application. In-game Name: Snake Steam name: Snake956 [QC] (but you could alsy try with SnakeShit956) Age: 17 The current time zone you're residing in(UTC): UTC -5 Mic: A good one ;) How long you've been playing: Ive downloaded the mod 2 days ago and I tried to learn and survive by myself, but its harder than it seem. Your preferred role and/or weapon: Im not sure yet. Normally, im a good sniper and sometime, a good recon Humanity(bandit/survivor/hero): Survivor Usefull information: I am living in Quebec, so I speak french (It could be usefull in some situation (propably...). You can see that im not very experimented, but i really want to join a group and get more experience in the game. I am online most of the time, so its really easy to contact me. If you cant contact me on Steam for some reason, you can send me a PM or a email at snakeshit956@gmail.com
  9. Snake956

    Looking forward in joining a clan/ group

    Nice! On va se creer un group Qc :D. Ajoute moi sur steam (SnakeShit956 ou Snake956 [QC]) ou sur skype (Snakeshit956) EDIT: J'attend que tu m'ajoute pour commencer a jouer.
  10. Snake956

    Looking forward in joining a clan/ group

    Same thing for me. I just finished downloading DayZ and I think it is ready for its first launch. I am living in Quebec, 17 years old. I am a good teamplayer (well, depend with who...). My first language is french, but I can easily speak and understand english. I have a microphone, skype, steam and some other, but if you want to talk with me with a microphone, I would prefer to do it in-game. Honest, if you want to team up with me, it would be ok ;)