First of all, thank you to Rocket and the team for developing the standalone and providing us with information when available. I am not sure if most people realize that rewriting an engine and adding new and improved features is incredibly difficult! Scripting is not an easy thing to do unless you have the experience and time as these developers have. I actually enjoy seeing the lighting in the images which most people seem to be disappointed about. I am going to guess that the reason the lighting is a dark shade is because of the new cloud system that involves shaders and lighting particles. In ARMA 2, (Does not apply to all people) when looking at the sun and then away will cause the screen to re-adjust to the light and the darkness. It is realistic but the screen gets incredibly dark and also happens with night vision goggles which is realistic when looking at any source of light. My point about lighting is that maybe they changed it to smooth over shadows and light coming from behind clouds. If you want the game brighter, turn up your brightness then! The plan crash and the two pictures of Balota and another town I don't know the name of which has the side by side comparison of the standalone and ARMA 2 is fantastic! In the comparison pictures, you can see Chernarus+ in the standalone picture compared with ARMA 2. (If you look closely you can see a wall that stretches for yards and possibly an airstrip. Hopefully, you can disinfect or wash clothing to prevent the infected clothes from harming you. Enough said! :P