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Posts posted by Chimeray

  1. My feedback for recent update (current state):

    Zombies see too far, crouching + slow walk should reduce visibility (now only reduces sound).

    Also, no weapon at start is fine but not with the new Zombie AI. It's like 2 things stacked on eachother, way too difficult.

    Generally, it's less fun to play. Might even stop playing and wait for patch.

  2. Why not a simple system comparable to most MMO's?

    You want to log out so you click disconnect, a message pops up: "Your character will be taken offline in X seconds (counting down realtime). You can still see your character during this time but can't take any actions. So if someting happening in this timespan you click cancel and react. You're back in the game and if you wanna quit you'll just have to do it over again.

    Alternatively, instead of waiting, you just click "disconnect now". You get a warning: "Are you sure you want to quit, your character will remain in the game for "X" more seconds." And you click: "Yes, whatever".

    It probably has been suggested...

    Cos the way you explained it, it will mean you can log out during a fight and get no penalty, you only get the penalty if you do it over and over again, right...? Doesn't seem a consistent solution at all.

    • Like 4

  3. Something that is non existent from DICE and look how bad that is going for them' date=' on the other hand rocket is communicating well and is generally interested in the communities concerns, good job, keep it up rocket


    Care to elaborate? DICE is communicating with the community through their blog (+ inside DICE blogposts explaining different stuff, like balancing), on the forums. And they're patching the game while listening to feedback (mav's and whatnot).

    How is it "going bad for them"? They seem to be doing rather well. If the game is not to *your* liking, well... too bad. They listen to the masses and the masses are still playing it in strong numbers.

    Most devs in AAA studio's don't have the freedom to post as freely as they want as well, it's mostly handled by community managers so it hardly is comparable to Rocket's situation.

    In other news, Rocket could've decided not to listen and be as open which would be a real shame. I'm glad he's around here that often and listening. Thx Rocket!

  4. Well all I can say is don't forget what one of those producers or whatever he was said to you: Players whine about a lot of stuff and say they want something, but it's not really what they want.

    Which actually is sort of true, but you seem to know what you're doing. You've got a strong design so far cos you're (still) very down to earth. Don't let anyone push you around, not even the community. You're in charge! ;)

    Go experiment, hoeray!

  5. I died and respawned in Kamenka.

    There he was, another survivor, he was shooting some zombies around him. He didn't have a primary weapon yet so I assumed he must've spawned recently as well, just like me.

    "Ok, let's do this." I thought, might as well give it a shot, just out of curiousity... I mean, it's not like he would loose a lot of progress anyways!

    So he was standing 20m away from me near a fence while I was next to a house. I opened fire and shot a mag at him, but to my surprise he wasn't dead! I saw him panic and he disappeared behind the fence. FUCK! Omg, I thought it was gonna be over just like that, it was gonna be easy! I began fearing for my life so I ran behind the house, hiding, slowly making my way around the house. There he was again, bleeding pretty badly... Omg what have I done, I shot another mag at him while he ran around the corner. Still no kill in the log :s I slowly approached the corner and saw him lying on the floor, probably broke some of his legs. Shot him in the head the moment I saw him.

    That was NOT what I thought it was gonna be like. It was gonna be: shoot him at the fence, some lols... But damn, this made me feel pretty bad! Hunting him like that... It made me feel like you try to snap a hurt animal's neck to put it out of its misery but it didn't work the first time and it's squeaking at you while you're desperately trying to make it end. What a struggle :s Yup, made me feel bad, oh yes it did.

    I got a bandit skin and killed myself afterwards to get rid of it, never gonna do that again...

    Sorry! Whoever you are, it was a pretty short name "reD" or something.

  6. Every game is a waste of time, sort of. How you judge success/progression seems different than a standard DayZ player. If you want to like this, not saying you have to, you will need to change your mindset.

    This game might look like gear collector paradise but that's a tiny aspect of the game. You don't need to grind for countless of hours to reach the metagame and run with the big boys like in RPG's. If you die you loose your gear but you'll be all the wiser, you'll find gear in no time with your knowledge and you're back in the game from the first minute. Most characters are only a couple hours old... Dying does not set you back that much at all...

    Also, if you get a team together it's more about tactics rather than gear, there's different goals you can set for yourself than to collect the best of the best gear. Exploring for instance... That's my profile.

    This game is about being in there, surviving. Not about grinding, finding the best gear to cross of a checklist and calling it done. I've played games just to reach max lvl, finish 100% and that was end of the line for me. DayZ is all about the experience, over and over again, it's never the same...

    I hope that put things a bit more into perspective but if you have the collector type of profile I can see that it seems pointless to you since you're never finished with it...
