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Everything posted by Eatfish1

  1. Eatfish1

    Looking for others to play with tonight.

    Im intersested send me a PM ts3 info east coast us 25 y/o
  2. Eatfish1

    I will never be a bandit. Survivor nice-guy stories

    Butt hurt much. Trust me i have a job (probably work more than you) a home and a girlfriend and still find time to play. Now had you have blamed your grieving on script kiddies maybe i wouldn't be writing this but guess what. Losing your gear to some "ass" in the bushes with a sniper is a legitimate way to go. I've been killed by hackers/scripters no lie 100's of times since may and i will still play the mod and will still play the standalone. Honestly if you didn't realize that your gear is expendable you don't understand this game at all so stop crying and move on. We really don,t need grown men who make a forum account to tell everyone who doesn't give a crap about you that you're stomping your feet and leaving, good riddance i say BYE. P.S. I'm a hero with over 60 kills of those kids in the bushes. P.P.S. you suck all games are a "waste of your real life" grow up and enjoy it. HAHA kaiser-axis sent me a PM asking where i live so he could kick my teeth in, umad nazi?
  3. if they were scripters im sure after you took they're truck they would've teleported to and killed you. or just ported the truck with you in it to them.
  4. Eatfish1

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    Thats for zombies smart ass
  5. Eatfish1

    [VIDEO] Somalian Trouble, A DayZ Special

    This is bad. Also why are script-kiddies and their friends such terrible shots. Can't wait to see how all you guys fair in standalone.
  6. Eatfish1

    Care for a DayZ.

    Who's we?
  7. Sounds like a trap, trading a gun with no request as what you want except for people that might not be a very good shot.
  8. Eatfish1

    New 'Medic Request' Subtopic?

    All these people are right, for me atm i took a more secluded medic way. I still answer pms, although they've become few and far in between. Now i have 3 or 4 groups of players that rely solely on my medical abilities when they are separated. These are where i get most of my requests.
  9. Eatfish1

    Nice guys finish last.

    Just like in real life, Never let another mans personality change yours. Keep being friendly it WILL pay off, hell maybe you'll run into me one day.
  10. Eatfish1

    Cautious survivor

    Trust me there are a lot of friendlies out there. You just have to sift through the hacker/scripter deaths to find them. Even when you do find randoms on a moderately populated server you're more than likely only minutes away from encountering a scripter to kill you guys once he sees a group of people not dying on his map. Unfortunately that's the state of the mod for the most part atm. hopefully most of them get bored and move on by standalone. The point is keep trying, over the past few days running around elektro/cherno on every spawn, I've met about 7-10 genuine friendly randoms some wearing bandit scarves to play with for about 30-45 minutes before the inevitable nuke/instadeath. But, those 30-45 mins have been some of the most gratifying playing experiences if had in a long time in this game. So keep it up man there's plenty of friendlies left on the coast you just have to not fear death it's gonna happen eventually why not have fun instead of hiding in the wood with top tier gear, besides that's the most effective route I've taken to finding random friendlies just call out they'll either respond or shot either way you have your answer.
  11. Eatfish1

    Forming a small, CREATIVE playing group

    How is it creative if you are just looking to reenact a bunch of Dayz youtube videos. If by creative you mean unoriginal than fine i guess. Also most of that sounds like banditry try bandit campfire.
  12. Eatfish1

    Script Restriction #40 Battleye?

    it happens on some servers after a restart try other hosts
  13. I don't know over the past few days starting with my camp being wiped by scripters and instakilled, LOL so good at this game kids, Ive taken to just running around the coast looking for friendly's. To my surprise in between instadeaths in the cities and elektro snipers with terrible aim, ive noticed that about 75% of people i run into are genuinely friendly. I'm pretty sure there's little to no legitimate players on public hive in the north so i'm just gonna keep doing the coastal spawn running around finding randoms. Today i ran into 3 bandits killed one in return fire and the other 2 were genuine friendlys despite their rags. We had fun looting until of course the worst scripters ever decided to take us on. 2 of 4 were killed by us between them failing at blowing up the train station we all met up in. And just in general bad marksmanship led to the 3rd dead. with me and my final random left they just resorted to an expected player shield port (instadeath). But 30 mins- an hour at a time this seems to be the only enjoyment left for me in this scripter rampant game.
  14. Eatfish1

    DE ????

    not that long but kind of just trailed off there at the end huh?
  15. Eatfish1

    Now what?

    Do whatever you want that's the beauty of dayz. No answer would be wrong.
  16. Eatfish1

    Hitman for hire.

    Why does everyone have to hate on this guy i don't agree with what he's choosing to do, however i do agree with his right to do it. This is a sandbox game where all play styles should be welcome and not discouraged (hacking/scripting are exceptions). I'm sure some of you are medics/bandits/police taxis or rp'ers or whatever the point is every one is free to play the game however they like it's the beauty of it. No one should be told what they can or can't do here so just keep it to yourselves.
  17. Eatfish1

    Your Final Words Before Death

    well i can answer your questions since your feeble mind couldn't solve them on it's own First he/she had 7 empty slots in her coyote more than enough to hold the meat that she probably ate to regain the health in question after she left town to flank Second that is balota clearly a spawn and please don't accuse people of hacking just cause you can't figure simple things out
  18. Eatfish1

    US 1992 - Admin ban abuse

    IF SOMEONE ON OCN COULD PASS THIS ONTO NEKON OR VORTECH hey sorry cant respond in your forums PM atm reached my 2 allotted responses . the thing is i logged in in the cherno church and never left it, just got kicked otherwise i was never kicked by battle eye. i only know that when i logged in there was no one in the church but me and my partner mr snapback. upon searching the corpses there another player by the name of dean was in the church i dont know if he also logged in there or what. point is he shot my friend i shot him and then proceeded to loot him never even leaving the church at anytime during the session. after waiting at the alter for some time for my friend to come back and get his stuff i was kicked/banned thats really all i've got. the only thing i can think is when i log in sometimes while its changing my skin sometimes im still in the survivor skin in debug plains but i dont remember if that happened that time or not.
  19. I was recently banned from US 1993. Upon checking the Dayz CBL i found my entry from overclock.net to the CBL. Does anyone know what this entry is for? Log excerpt(s): 18.09.2012 09:28:28: Diks ( xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - 69:81 [6753,2775,6] Additional Info: That's all that's there can someone explain what this means? Like what i did wrong. and the x's was my guid
  20. What i'm saying is the actual members of TMW are not on the public whitelist if that clears that up.
  21. Eatfish1

    US 1992 - Admin ban abuse

    in a semi-unrelated post does anyone know the admin for 1993. ive been wrongfully banned and would like to receive clarification before writing a thread accusing of wrong doing. im sure this was a mistake of some sort since i had nothing hacked in or suspicious at the time that i was kicked/banned and threatened to have my guid sent to CBL. just a response as who to talk to about this would be nice. thanks. Edit: went to your forums to post and appeal about it guess ill see what you guys have to say
  22. The whitelist only has people who are not affiliated with TMW meaning not in there guild so kind of a bad way to judge. For example im white listed but NOT part of TMW.