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Everything posted by Eatfish1

  1. Eatfish1

    I need a boat. - Paying.

    no you wont lose stuff you will get cold though
  2. Maybe they want to do there own thing and Dr. Wasteland MD has even commented on this thread as a good thing. Beside who cares where they post as long as they are helping people in need.
  3. Eatfish1

    Medic/Hero group?

    added you on skype
  4. Eatfish1

    In need of medical assistance

    add me on skype check your PMs
  5. Eatfish1

    What I love about this game

    'Nuff said
  6. Hey I have 10 svd mags to trade lf m9sd with at least 4 mags or m4ccosd w/ no mags. PM me skype info to set up trade.
  7. I watched all those videos too so i guess im l33tsniprz too hit me up any1 wif free gearz
  8. Eatfish1

    Chopper chase [Intense]

    Nice video but you really need to fix the volume difference between commentary and intro song.
  9. Eatfish1

    Camp Fire Massacre Video

    By far the biggest waste of time on these forums good job
  10. Eatfish1

    [VIDEO] DayZ Live Action Short Film

    A good watch was had thanks
  11. Hey PM'd you my skype info didnt wanna post on forums. Also im 25y/o American EST and have the hero skin id love to hunt down some bandits.
  12. Eatfish1

    Trading - My good fellows!

    Well what do YOU want probably should at least give an idea.
  13. Eatfish1

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hey im having trouble messaging Dr wasteland to be whitelisted since his inbox is full i guess. Can any of the TMW members let him know or maybe give me an idea of what i should do. Thanks in advance.
  14. Eatfish1

    People finding tents little bit too easy?

    this guy is totally right i have tent all along the coast minus the major cities and the only problems i run into is they might disappear after a server restart that's about it, and they usually reappear after next server restart so if you choose a good spot by the coast really never run into an issue of getting raided.
  15. Eatfish1

    For the Wasteland Medic Bodyguards

    yea but you actually carry more per slot with lmgs for example 2 slot for 100 rnds is way more than standard STANGS/ak/akm which would require 3 slots for 90 rounds, besides the added bonus of the sheer suppressive/support fire you can unleash without reloading its arguably the most powerful gun in the game atm
  16. Eatfish1

    Question about medics and other styles of play.

    You could try my play style atm im basically hanging out in the field north of kamenka waiting for fresh spawns to try and commit suicide. depending on my loadout ill either give them food/water, medical attention, weapons if they have survivor/hero skins or just a map/compass to navigate the map. The one thing i always give them is a suicide hotline message played through voip about life is worth living. I'd really like to see the average life expectancy grow, if your like minded try it out works best on populated servers with lots of death tolls obviously. I'm calling it Kamenka Suicide Prevention (original i know).
  17. Eatfish1

    Looking for friends

    added you on skype
  18. Eatfish1

    Hacker on Us 1993 - ekez

    A. your a bandit gtfo survivor forum B. you got what you deserved for cherno sniping imho C. this isnt even the right forum there's a forum to call out abuses
  19. Eatfish1

    Tips to Survival? [Advanced]

    Log out and dont log back in is the only sure fire way to stay alive. Even the most experienced tactical teams have been wiped. But in all seriousness the best advanced tactic is to find a solid team/clan to play with lone wolfing will assure death on high pop servers unless u sit in a pine tree all day.
  20. Eatfish1

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Not exactly sure how to get whitelisted as it says Dr Wasteland cant accept messages. Any one have a solution?
  21. Eatfish1


    not sure if your trolling or not but most of your load out is hacked zero
  22. hey man PM'd you my skype info if you still need help just add me
  23. Eatfish1

    wanna help a noob?

    Add me on skype :Eatfish724
  24. Eatfish1


    have you received the help you needed?
  25. Eatfish1

    Dayz Adventure (Ghillie Trap!)

    Good job i usually have low expectations with these types of vids but i was pleasantly suprised keep it up.