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Vector (DayZ)

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About Vector (DayZ)

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  1. Seriously ? you butthurt or something for being killed ? So when someone decides to shoot anyone on sight he is some 12 year old fucker that cant type ? And when someone wants to shoot everyone on sight he ruins the community ? Looks to me like you have to go back to your farmville where you are save for other gamers who are better then you. Congratulations on being the quintessential example of what this community has become. And yes, I do believe it is mostly idiots who cannot type, or have no grammar skills..... look at yourself for example. But seriously, there used to be a time when most other players would at least go past you without any trouble (as long as you were not hostile towards them), or (dare I say it) be friendly and team up, or at least trade. That has not happened to me for a very long time.
  2. What? The community already sucks. It's been ub3r1337360n0sk0p3z shoot on sight player hunting for a long time now.
  3. Vector (DayZ)

    Battle Royale/Hunger Games

    Bampin, just the once. I'm actually quite suprised nobody would be interested in something like this lol, I know it's something I would love to take part in.
  4. Vector (DayZ)

    Battle Royale/Hunger Games

    Proper perma death and, of couse, last person standing wins.
  5. Has anyone/have any servers thought of hosting something like this yet? I think that with the way the mod is designed something like this could work quite well. Gathering, teaming up with/betraying other players and avoiding zed attacks would work SO well. Obviously a problem is the spawn system and everyone appearing in different areas. The best place for people to assamble would probably be in the middle of the map, just north of Novy. And the players would have to have either random, or no inventory to make it much more interesting at the beginning. Just wondering what peoples thoughts on something like this would be, this mod could be the perfect enviroment to try something like this :D
  6. Vector (DayZ)

    Please stop with anti-sandbox suggestions!

    I mostly agree, a lot of people are making sugestions that would turn this into a more linear experience, probably because they are simply not used to having a game as open as this (which is the fault of modern developers). I think it gets to a point where a change makes it less ooen ended, I will stop playing. Atm the only real problem I have is that the descent into banditing/player hunting will be inevitable for a lot of players. Because, to be fair, what else are the supposed to do with all the ub3rHaX0r1337 gear they find? Oh and nights. A tad too dark =]
  7. I do it, just to be able to see ANYTHING. Without it, the night is literally a sheet of black, and then a ridiculously light sky. Apparently the terrain just absorbs ambiant light lol.
  8. Vector (DayZ)

    Bandit Tried to Pull a Fast One

  9. Vector (DayZ)

    Let's talk about cooperation

    I started playing this mod aabout a week and a half ago, and I have mostly been uncharacteristically lucky with strangers I have met. Sure, the first guy I met was a bandit, I had no idea so I walked right up to him...... shotgun to the face D: The next guy I met helped me find my first rifle, the next few stuck around with me for a while (I lead them to our doom). I died earlier, and me and a randomer met up on the beach, taking it in turns to hold flares as we made our way to Cherno, fighting a bandit and plenty of Zed on the way. Not to sat I have not had a bad run in. Two guys would not reply to me on the chat, no names, no friendly, nothing. I sniped them both. And I saw a bandit coming out of Novy at twilight, but I snuck around him. I've not experienced anything like player trading though, that I would LOVE to see.
  10. Vector (DayZ)

    Stop all development; This must be added immediately

  11. Vector (DayZ)

    DayZ Stories

    It starts in the morning, just after daybreak. I woke up on a beach. The road was just ahead, and on it... 1 man running. He stopped, and pointed his shotgun at me. He could have taken me out, right there. "Where you headed?" he asked, "nowhere" I replied. "I'm on my way to meet someone, do you need gear?", "YES", "okay, stay close". And that was that. For the next hour I followed him, around small settlements, across roads, through woods.... untill we hit a barn. "Go in", he said. My first CZ rifle, two clips. It was a beautiful thing. We went into a nearby building, got enough food to last for a while. Then he had to leave. He and his friend were planning a raid on an airbase, and I would surely die if I went along. Aimless now, I wandered what I would later find out to be eastwards. A power station, and what looked like a city next to it. The city was too risky, I already knew how loud my rifle was, and honestly, I was terrified to go in. I opted for the PP. Nothing of value. I decided following the powerlines north was a reasonable idea for some reason. By now it was dusk. I turned back to look at the city. Flares were filling the city, and gunfire was almost constant. I watched for a while, before falling asleep under a pylon. I awoke to a new day. Picked up my rifle to see what had changed overnight. It turns out that not much changes in the zombocalypse. The city looked deserted at least, no sound of gunfire. As I started moving down the hill towards the PP again, I noticed something. A building, off to my left. It had been too dark to see yesterday, or I just wasnt paying attention. I didn't like it, having a building so close that I had no idea existed made me very weary. Dive to the ground. Scope up. Two men. One belly down, scoping the hill, by some miracle he had not seen me. The other, moving around in the building, probably looking for supplies. "FRIENDLY??" I asked frantically, these were the only people I had seen other than my helper. No reply. I repeated myself, twice. No reply.I fired, 1 shot. It landed in the head of the guy who was scoping the hill, probably looking for me. The other dived for cover behind a fence, popping out every few seconds to look for me. I repeated myself one last time. No answer. I fired my second round. Headshot. They were carrying nothing of real use, a shotgun (which I did not take, my rifle was serving me well at this point), and a second rifle. I searched one of their backpacks..... jackpot. Blood and painkillers, two lots of each. Then, a cry for help. He was loosing blood, running from the city towards the PP. He was running right in to a second swarm of Zed, I knew that from my earlier scouting. I could (maybe should) have left him. But I was close, and I had just what he needed. I took off towards the PP, sniping the Zed that were in there on the way. I offered him the blood, he ws nervous to trust me, (killing those men must have had some sort of effect on me) but after the transfusion, he was ridiculously greatful. Infact, for some reason, I was now his leader. I had never lead anyone before, hell, I barely knew what I was doing myself, but here I was. "Where too?" he asked me. I realised that I wanted to keep my follower alive, inland was the best bet. "Pusta" I replied, almost instantly. "Lead on". We ran west through the woods, hoping to hit the road to Pusta. We were followed. I didn't notice, my companion did. We swung around quickly, searching for a decently elivated position to confront him from. Turns out we were close to the road, so we got into cover on the other side. "FRIENDLY" we heard him shout. He sure didn't look friendly, you could tell by looking at him he had killed a few men. He moved on to the other side of the road, his weapon lowered, ours trained on him the whole time. To prove his alligence, he took it upon himself to dissarm, and lay out his gear on the ground. For me, for some reason, that was more than enough. "Pick it up" I said, "you want to follow?". He did. We set off along the road. Things started to go wrong. It was taking far too long following this trail to get to Pusta. I concluded that we had somehow overshot the town, but remembered that further on up the road there was a junction, where we could turn left to head towards Mogilevka. My companions trusted my judgement, so we continued. We came to the junction. A gas station. I did not remember this on the map, but I kept it to myself. No usable loot. We headed left as planned, and found the outskirts of a town. My companions were eager, too eager. Up to this point I had avoided big towns, and this place was BIG. But they wanted to go in. By the time we hit the second building in town we were spotted. 7 shots in total from my friends to take down one Zed. Then the hoard came. We split up, running into town different ways in an attempt to loose our pursuers. I heard one of them shout "follow the cranes! jump in the water!". Water? In Mogi? Sure enough, I saw the outline of cargo cranes above some of the buildings, and head towards them. A dock. And ocean. This was very wrong. But under pursuit, I had no time to think. Into the sea I went. Did you know Zed can swim? They can. Across a small stretch of the water was a way onto another part of the dock, where one of my companions had already climbed out. I met him, and together we ran down the peir untill we knew we were safe. We took stock. Between us, 2 Pistols, 1 clip, 1 bandage. The rest had been lost in the frantic swim. We decided we should try and find our third member quickly, recoup some of our lost supplies and get the hell out of wherever we were. We split up, and lost contact. It was almost pitch black in the unfamiliar city. I looked up the road. No less than 12 Zed were heading straight for me...... OOC: I hope somebody enjoyed reading this, that was my first real attempt at surviving in the game xD ALL of this actually did happen to me over the span of two days, to one character. It was quite a ride. If anyone was wondering where we ended up, I studied the map properly, and it was Elektro. When we were frantically hiding from our third member on the road earlier, we must have lost our sense of direction, and we headed south down the road, rather than north to Pusta. Quite the blunder for me to make under my first command :')
  12. Vector (DayZ)

    [FREEWARE] DayZ Install Tool v1.6

    I'm having a problem with it myself. It seems to have downloaded the files fine, but its getting stuck when extracting dayz_v1.2.5.rar. I'll try the force update button tomorrow, see if redownloading the files helps. But up untill now this has worked perfectly, so thanks for the work that has gone into it so far :)
  13. Vector (DayZ)

    Things could be worse

    Well they can climb ladders damn well.... I feel that these are no "ordinary" zed. :( I had no idea rainbows were in the game either. Thats actually realy quite pleasent :)
  14. Vector (DayZ)

    Wildies vs Coasties. Which are you?

    Obviously most people who play this game have not posted in here yet, because in my experience most people in a server are near Chern/Elektro xD A lot of them have probably never been even as far north as Pusta. I died a few times down south, then decided I would live inland. First time I tried I ended back in Elektro because of a navigational error (and died a grim death). Second time now, I've been alive a few days, avoided a few bandits, and live from raiding barns, small towns, etc.... I have grown to love the Winchester. I have wandered south in the nights though, just to watch the flares and listen to the gunfire in the cities.....