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About RoKa89ARG

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  1. i hope someone is keeping all this pictures, gifs and videos of rocket with give SA and such... that would make a good thread ! i could laugh until i die
  2. ALL ABOARD THE HYPE-TRAIN !!! CHOO CHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, WAIT, this is the First class VIP train, we'll have to wait for the next one...............
  3. RoKa89ARG

    Another Quick Update 5 December 2013

    WOW too much tech stuff here, i'm better off sleeping... lol !
  4. ok my train derailed, blew up and run off of a cliff... i'm done with this sh*t. see y'all in 2015
  5. rocket just posted something irrelevant in reddit, so makes me think that the test wasnt that good at all... or he would of said at least something about it...
  6. Fuuuu now im hyped again... and certain i will be disappointed in a few hours...
  7. RoKa89ARG

    November Round-up

    CHOO CHOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. RoKa89ARG

    November Round-up

    i think rocket said that the idea was to make underground structures, i think its the best soultion. but i don't know how the hell are they going to make that happen without a minecrafty, blocky world... locks, barricades won't work because people will always use them to troll, the same that happened with sand bags, tank traps, wire fencing.
  9. RoKa89ARG

    November Round-up

    oh my god... are they seriously talking about "war*" again ? please someone ban them.
  10. RoKa89ARG

    November Round-up

    my choo choo run out of wood.... see y'all in 2014.-
  11. RoKa89ARG

    November Round-up

    ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE SA. im hyped, let's go !!!!! my credit card is ready to gooo to fill your wallet Dean... push the button, seat back, order a ferrari and live like a king !
  12. RoKa89ARG

    November Round-up

    TEOTWAWKI my level of hype : OVER 9000 god dammit rocket, you have the network bubble, you have good zombies, release it !!!!
  13. RoKa89ARG

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    its done now release it god dammit !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. RoKa89ARG

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    what do you guys think of the lack of a website yet ?? do you think they are going to upload the website right before launch ? it doesn't make sense to me...most games they do the website first and then they release the game... even the War* has one !
  15. RoKa89ARG

    Where are all the devblogs?

    almost 365 days(z) since the announcement... im starting to lose faith ! lol maybe this will be another Fallout 3, Far cry 2, Half Life 3...