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Everything posted by Wili
Nice to hear new things about basebuilding, the only thing I didn't like it about basebuilding is the military basebuilding type using Hesco barriers, I'm not a fan of military equipment on a game like Dayz, I would prefer bases made of metal scraps, car hoods and so on, more like in the movie Waterworld, Mad Max, or in games like Fallout. Also walls made of tree logs would be nice.
I made one last test, yesterday I went to an isolated loot spawn, a shed in the mountain, I placed like 10 campfires, the first campfire was right at the loot spawn (shed), the next one 5 meters away, the next one 10 meters away and so on... I went and checked it today, every campfire closer than 30/50 meters to the loot spawn disappeared. The campfires further than 30/50 meters from the loot spawn were still there. To the guys reporting disappearing persistence items, did you put the items close to a loot spawn?
Yep melee weapons doesn't persist it seems, it would be nice if melee weapons that doesn't fit in a backpack are persistent so we can hide big melee weapons as fire axes and sledge hammers without having a tent, barrel or truck.
Yesterday I hid 5 weapons, a backpack and a fireplace inside a city, I hid a backpack 1 km away from the city in the woods also. Today everything I hid inside the city is gone but the backpack in the woods is still there. So I think everything you put inside cities will be cleaned eventually, I hope this is not intended and we are be able to hid things inside cities also.
Wrong post sry
I think the clean-up now is how it is supposed to be, only weapons, backpacks, barrels, campfires, tents and vehicles remains, everything else will be cleaned after some minutes. I did the test also, i made a pile of items, I checked it after 30 minutes and only the weapons survived. I have a backpack hidden also and is still there. Two patches before this one was kinda crazy, all items remained on the floor for days. I think they are doing a very good job with this, I think in no other game you can drop something on the floor and remains there for days. :thumbsup:
Maybe is too much but I really would like a hardcore version of the game, first person, where you don't have a crosshair, without vicinity tab, and without being able to access your backpack while sprinting.
There are people who like it and people who doesn't like it, maybe having it enabled in 3rd person servers and remove it from 1rst person server would be an option, or maybe making an standard/hardcore servers would be another option, but for that we'll need four types of servers, 1rst person with and without crosshair, 3rd person with and without crosshair.
Yes, without crosshair simulates that, at close range you'll be able to hit someone but It won't be effective at medium/long range.
Without crosshair you can still use hip fire at close range, with a bit of practice there is no problem with that, but it won't be effective at medium/long range, as it should be imo.
I don't know about that chart, but if you start arma 3 and choose elite difficulty the crosshair will be off by default. Maybe if you are creating a server then elite difficulty will have it on by default.
Then you are cheating :D Anyway, a system where the bullets doesn't hit exactly in the middle of the screen can be used instead, like Red Orchestra has, so the suckers who have a improvisade crosshairs won't have advantage over other players that doesn't do that :P
When you choose elite difficulty the crosshair is off by default, you can enable if you want though. I play on arma 3 first person servers and I didn't play on any server that has crosshair on. I think I explained wrong, I meant like arma 3 without crosshair. When you play without crosshair you see where the bullets lands by bullet impacts or smoke on the terrain, and you correct the aim accordingly, just like in real life, there isn't anything telling you where the bullets will land, so you can align it to your target.
It was after the update. I think if you hide items near loot spawns/near a city your items can be all cleaned at once, no matter if is a weapon a backpack or anything else, I'm still not sure about that, today I'm gonna repeat the test, I will hide items inside a city and outside in the mountains and see how it goes; in the last patch I did this, the things I hid in the city were all cleaned all together after 2 days, the things I hid in the mountain remained until this new patch.
Anyone has tested persistence since yesterday patch?, Yesterday I placed some items around, including a backpack and weapons but today everything is gone. I'll try again :P
The dot was meant to be only temporary if I remember well, now Dayz has a crosshair... I wouldn't mind if the crosshair remains in 3rd person servers, but please remove it in first person servers. A dot is fine for looting purposes but once you raise your weapon for hip firing the crosshair should disappear, I think it should be like arma 3, no crosshair while hip firing. Watching some streamers you can see they rarely use aiming position any more, they just use crosshair as it is really accurate.
Since the last experimental update, my camp 1 km away from Electro is still up, everything still there, campfire, weapons on the ground, backpack on the ground and all. All the things I hid inside Electro are gone again.
Since yesterday I placed some cheap loot around electro for testing persistence, I had some weapons and backpack hidden around also, then I got killed near electro. When I came back all the loot had disappeared, the cheap loot I left on the streets, my backpack, my weapons, campfires I made around electro, ruined motorbike helmets I saw it was there since yesterday, etc, I think all disappeared at once. There was no server restart meanwhile. I tried to find some loot after that, I saw the loot nobody takes like pants with two slots were gone too. I just found one chemlight and something else, I think that was all new loot respawning again. Then I went to one little camp I made yesterday 1 km away from electro and everything was still there, backpack, weapon on the ground, sticks, etc. So I don't know I suppose there is some kind of cleanup bug that wiped all existing objects in electro.
It deppends on luck also, I never used the edge of the map, in some servers my tents never got raided in months, in others it happen the first week, it was hard imo but not impossible. In standalone having less forests for hiding tents, twice players and bigger tents will make it almost impossible imo.
In the mod was hard to hide your tents sucesfully in a 50 player crowded server, with less forests and 100/150 players and bigger tents, will be imposible to hide a camp. Maybe we'll be able to wall our camp so there is no need to hide it anymore, but not much has been confirmed about basebuilding. I would love bigger forest too whatever you can wall your camp or not.
Hi, it would be nice if house interiors become randomized. When you enter a house all the furniture for that house type is placed exactly the same as another house of that type, chairs, furniture, tables and everything are placed on the same spot making it very repetitive. Changing the placement of the objects like chairs, wardrobes, pianos, storages, ovens etc would make it much less repetitive. One thing H1Z1 has made very good job is randomizing house distributions, even if the house looks the same from outside the interior distributions are always different and feels much less repetitive than Dayz.
Camera moves too fast with headbob on, in other games headbob has a much more smooth camera movement. It would be nice if we all have a standard smooth headbob, removing headbob completely gives you advantage over others players who have headbob enabled.
How to get weapons and other items out of trees/bushes?
Wili replied to eshim92's topic in New Player Discussion
I think it should be fixed, It has been like that since Dayz mod, once you put an object under a tree you won't be able to pick it up, it doesn't appear in the vicinity tab either. -
Damage is fine, maybe some melee weapons needs more damage. I don't like in other games when you shot somebody in the back, he turns around and kill you...
Everyone plays the game the way they want, so...
Wili replied to NomadZ's topic in General Discussion
I think the time for logging out should be at least 1 minute, if you have been injured in the last 5 minutes or shots have been fired on less than 1000 meters away from your position, the timer for logging out should increase to 5 minutes or something like that.