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Everything posted by Wili

  1. Wili

    Suggestion for Combat Logging

    I agree on this, maybe 1 minute log out timer and 2 minutes log out timer if your character was hurt in the last minute; if the character moves or receive any damage the log out process is cancelled. Here is an example where you can look around while disconnecting, any displacement or damage to the player would result in a log out cancelled if the player crashes or do alt+F4 the character remains 1 minute online: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBVplYOJeM0 If you crashed would be nice to being able to reconnect even if the character is still online, in some games you need to wait for entering the game until the character disappear from the world.
  2. Wili

    Morphine = Unrealistic

    I would like splints for being able to walk / walk fast, and morphine for the pain until the leg is healed. I think the only way people will keep playing with broken legs or crippled would be if the character has some knowledge of some kind. That would be having some medical knowledge or mechanical knowledge, etc , some skills that the player would learn in game and will loose when dies. If the game will have disabled characters we'll probably need more than one character for playing, maybe 3 or 5 characters. It would be fun to be crippled in game thus that would take a lot of job for implementing it.
  3. Wili

    More vehicles!

    I agree, more cars sounds good, I would prefer gathering the parts of the car you need like wheels or parts from other cars too instead from factories, same for the fuel, you should be able to take gasoline out from a car fuel tank using some kind of plastic tube and refill your empty cans until the car gasoline depletes; that would add random spots for fuel also, some cars will have more fuel than others or none at all. When one car fuel tank is depleted, it could spawn randomly in another car, same if someone take a motor part from a car it could respawn in another random car around the world.
  4. Wili

    New idea : Tree House

    Tree houses would be awesome. It would be nice just a rope or a rope stair being retractable so you can hide the rope after climbing. Be able to changue the height of the tree house (5m, 10m, 12m avobe the ground.) Be able to climb clear tree trunks with the right equipment. Having a storage or a tent at the top Tree houses should be destroyable. I made this example of what It could be :) :
  5. As the title says, let the players ring the church's bells, so you know someone is there. First time I heard the Bell I thought It was a player and I was afraid to go :D
  6. Player name: Wili PlayerID: 71092294 Logued off inside a boat, stuck after relogging on the same server.