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Everything posted by Wili

  1. Wili

    Ruined Gear Upon Shooting People

    Hi , I think if your backpack take a bullet only, one to three objects should be damaged, not the whole backpack and all his objects. You shot 1 time and it's like you shot 100 times to the backpack leaving all ruined. Maybe shotguns should deal more damage to the equipment. Same when you fall off a cliff for example, all your objects become ruined, I don't think a 5 m fall would ruin a pistol or a bullet among many things.
  2. I think fov should be locked to default while aiming regardless of the fov the user is using.
  3. Wili

    So I tried Hardcore..

    Hi, I don't really know why are they calling it hardcore, no game has called hardcore because first person view before, it sounds confusing.
  4. Wili

    Glitchy Movement

    Hi, the most annoying animations for me are the "jump wall" animation when your character doesn't jump and it gets stuck for 2 seconds mantling over a fence; it would be nice two separate keys, one for jumping an another for mantling. Another annoying animation is when you change weapons, if you change it while not moving your character will be stuck for 2 seconds, if you are moving while changing weapons your character won't stop moving straight and you will be unable to stop him until the weapon is changed.
  5. Wili

    Server Notifications

    Every time I put something on the floor I wonder if it will disappear because of server restart.
  6. Server hoppers will move from server to server as soon as they are be able to do it. I think the only solution is one character per server. I hope private hives will be ready soon.
  7. Wili

    Server Hopping > Critical problems

    I think you should be able to log in the same server you were without waiting, penalization should only occur if you are changing to a new server.
  8. Wili

    In-game sound needs to be re-worked

    Hi, I think the eating sound should be audible only by the player who is eating and nobody else. When I'm eating with other people in real life I don't hear them eating, I'm sure in an apocalyptic world the people would eat without making any noise fearing being heard by others.
  9. I may be wrong but I think Dayz suffers the same problems of Arma 2 and 3, no matter the graphics the game won't run smooth. I would prefer if they remove buildings, trees, even the grass if necessary for being able to play at minimum constant 60 fps. I'm playing rust right now because Dayz runs at 30 fps for me. Rust is in early alpha also but it has a smooth gameplay, it doesn't have the graphics, grass etc of Dayz but It's much more playable imo. I hope they make the changes needed for a smooth gameplay, now the game is still "empty" and performance is really bad, I don't think 30 fps is acceptable and the fps target should be at 60 minimum.
  10. Wili

    Combat stances

    I think it would be awesome while playing on first person view servers, for third person I think It doesn't matter as you can actually see over rocks, walls etc using the 3rd person camera, no need to expose yourself. I really use it while playing arma 3, especially for taking a look over the grass, a rock, etc without exposing you too much. If Rocket really said that, umm, it seems a cheap excuse really :P
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMq8du-qOm4 With this logout metod you will be not vulnerable while logging out because you will be able to look around for possible threats; if you want to cancel the logout for whatever reason, a zombie for example, you just walk in any direction and the logout will be cancelled. The logout will be cancelled if you receive damage also. With this metod you can do ALT + F4 also but your character will remain "40 seconds" ingame being able to receive damage and die.
  12. Wili

    Respawn Point & Saving Gear

    I believe that feature belongs to Rust.
  13. Wili

    Some Suggestions

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMq8du-qOm4&feature=youtu.be Implement this system please!!!! The log out is cancelled if you move in any direction or you receive damage. You will be able to look around while logging off. You can still do ALT + F4 or close your client but the character will remain "40 seconds" in game and you will be able to be killed.
  14. Wili

    Should combat logging be ban-able?

    Hi, I voted NO. I don't think I'm stupid and I never do combat logging; I think you are stupid for insulting other player opinions. I think it must be fixed instead of punishing the players.
  15. Wili

    Found A Large Stone In DayZ........

    They are going to introduce throwing objects also, maybe you will be able to throw it to another player or something.
  16. Hi, I would like 40 to 60 seconds timeout for disconnect. There are other methods for it where you can take a look around while logging off; but as soon as you walk in any direction or receive damage the log off is cancelled. Mortal Online has this kind of log off and it works like a charm. I hope they make it right and you don't need to keep the menu open and unable to look around while logginf off.
  17. I really would like a filter for first person only servers too.
  18. Wili

    How to get M4 in Minutes.

    Hi, that would be a good fix. I think you can't blame players for doing serverhopping; right now is the best way for getting gear, not just weapons. People will always look for the faster way of getting loot, so it needs to be fixed. I think the current system for avoiding serverhopping doesn't work yet, but even if it would I think will not solve the problem, much people will prefer waiting some minutes for doing serverhopping in the north airfield rather than go anywhere else because is much more profitable. I would like that you can't move equipment from one server to another, but I think that's not gonna happen, at least in the public servers.
  19. Wili

    Pending Update Rev. 0.29.113822

    I did it once, you feel like a little tremble in the tongue and it tastes like iron or something, it was 9V like the Dayz one.
  20. Wili

    Turn Off HUD

    I would like the hotbar appearing only when you scroll or press a hotkey button. I think text messages should go too and replace them with some injuries toggleable UI, like the inventory UI; or include injuries and thirst level within the inventory UI. I think no HUD at all increases immersion.
  21. Include this mask also Please, please :)
  22. Ye, va o qué? ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE SA
  23. They are going to remove 3rd player view when proned, but I'm afraid driving vehicles with 3dp on will give you an extreme view advantage as in Arma series, as well as other anoying 3dp camera advantages. I hope there will be enough first person only servers and they implement arma 3 new player stances, these stances are really useful playing in first person mode and improves stealth and helps you remain hidden a lot.