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  1. Wili

    New map for DayZ is coming soon

    I'm quite disappointed of this being a ported map and seeing the same assets all over again. Please make a new map designed especially for Dayz with completely new assets. It would be could to have complexes that can be used as bases, like the stadium in Walking dead, a prison, factories, etc. Also the cities are quite boring to navigate in Dayz, cities are made of small buidings not connected to each other. Big buildings with holes and several entrances, roofs connected to others roofs, shopping malls etc makes a map much more enjoyable imo.
  2. There are some vanilla private servers, I would love to see some official servers without server hopping though. The solution they implemented for server hopping moving the players to the coast seems logical to me, otherwise players would abuse this system hoping servers until they get a good inland spawn.
  3. Wili

    Disconnecting during fight

    It would be nice something like, 45 secs/1 min online, and when you go to the main menu your character still stays loged in 30/45 secs more. And something like if you have been injured in the last 5 minutes or shots have been fired near you your log off timer would increase to 2 mins or something like that.
  4. Wili

    Experimental Update 1.0.150183

    Yes, making a base right now is like hey!, here is my stuff, come and get it. It makes no sense. Waiting for a persistence fix for coming back. Cheers.
  5. I like the idea, maybe pressing one key once for hold power would be better than holding a button down constantly, pressing W or S would release the "hold function". Another way could be W for increasing power until you release W and power wouldn't decrease. For example you press W until 30% power is reached then You release W key and the car keeps going at 30% power. Pressing S would decrease power. This would be like Red Orchestra tanks controller. This way should have an extra key for instantly releasing all the power because it takes time to release the power and sometimes You just want to release it at once.
  6. Wili

    Modding Support and Tools, Initial Release

    It would be nice to have some unbinarized stuff as examples, for example one building with one working door and a ladder, with the materials, lods, textures and all the stuff necesary. Maybe one firegun, one melee weapon, in the future one car, etc... It's really hard to figure how to make stuff for the game without any example, I extracted the game data to take a look on how the models are done for the game but the editor doesn't open any of the models.
  7. Wili

    Modding Support and Tools, Initial Release

    It's working now than you!, I didn't run the game since last update.
  8. Wili

    Modding Support and Tools, Initial Release

    I get an error after running that command : WorkDrive- ERR: 0x50004003 The source is not a valid install of the game. ctx: undefined I have Stable version of the game installed, should I intall experimental version instead? I also tried to edit DayzTools settings.ini file to match where my folders are located with no luck: [Game] user=0 path=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZ [ProjectDrive] user=0 path=C:\Users\"MY USERNAME"\Documents\DayZ Projects [Tools] Hide=0 Mount=0
  9. Wili

    Display server name in game

    In PC also, maybe pressing ESC should show server name.
  10. Wili

    base destroyable?

    Also it seems like bases are gone ofter 3 days, I think barrels too. Some info would be great, is like hey! Beta is out!, it has basebuilding, some players spent a lot of time building, and storing and then everything is gone. I don't know what developers are thinking sometimes.... at least give the players info so they can expect basebuilding is just a placeholder right now...
  11. For a Beta nothing seems to work properly, not combat or basebuilding, persistance, vehicles, zombies... I think a Beta should be like polishing minor bugs, but it seems every important aspect of Dayz is well broken right now.
  12. Wili

    Building Persistance

    I lost my barrels after 2/3 days, I doubt anybody took it :S
  13. Wili

    Hold LMB= RSI

    You can use a macro program for holding lclick down.
  14. Wili

    Stable Update 0.63.149386

    Yes I agree, but something could be done like being able to jog or walk faster while carrying heavy objects because there are very few vehicles at the moment, I don't really know if you can carry planks and barrels inside the 4x4, I guess You can't so the only way might be the truck. In the case of transporting barrels or wheels in real life You would be rolling it, much less energy consuming and faster :P