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SeverinMK (DayZ)

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Everything posted by SeverinMK (DayZ)

  1. So I was playing on [DE 2165] with a friend of mine when suddenly a guy appeard behind me, he shot at me but I was able to get to cover and then I hit him at least 10 times with an AKS but he didn't even bleed, my friend disconnected but I stayed. A few minutes later everyone on the server died excluding a guy called [GER] Shooterman1.0, I still kept playing on the server because I had nothing to loose and I wanted to make sure that Shooterman is a hacker and all the sudden I was about 100m+ above the ground on the south coast and of course I died because of the fall damage. Of course the only one who didn't die was Shooterman1.0... Unfortunately I wasn't able to take any screenshots but I can assure that [GER] Shooterman1.0 is a hacker. EDIT: It was 7:30 pm UTC+1, not 9:30
  2. SeverinMK (DayZ)

    Do vehicles disappear with server restarts?

    Same here. Spent hours to repair an ATV and when I joined the server the next day it was gone but not only the ATV, the same happend with a UAZ (wich turned into a broken Offroad-Pick-Up Truck), with a V3S, another ATV and a Pick-up Truck.
  3. SeverinMK (DayZ)

    Admin Abuse server de 1698

    Yeah, same happend to me. Found a car on the server, together with a friend I repaired it and filled it with a lot of stuff. Today I wanted to join again but the Admin (Venom) kicked me all the time. The only reason he gave me (and the others who were on the server) was "leave the server motherfucker" (actual quote) -.-