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About cocomut

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  1. cocomut

    Editing server name.

    From what I can see when you connect to it from ftp dayz_1.chernarus is exactly the same as cfgdayz, although it doesn't work.
  2. cocomut

    Editing server name.

    Nope haven't :(
  3. cocomut

    Editing server name.

    I may have figured it out, will post back if I have.
  4. cocomut

    Editing server name.

    Yea, not very much information about setting up a server with HFB. I don't know what their support team is doing, been about 3-4 hours now.
  5. So from what I see you have to edit server.cfg... I have found some dayz1.chernarus thing that looks exactly like server.cfg, but that won't do the trick. After about half an hour of looking, can't find that server.cfg or whatever it is, server is hosted by HFBServers. Submitted support ticket about 3 hours ago, still no reply so I figured i'd ask here.
  6. cocomut

    [Elysium] Department Of Defence

    I'd join but I don't use voice chat ;( err is it required
  7. You know you play DayZ too much when you go to the hospital, see a guy bandaged up, and scream "BANDIT!!! EVERYONE OUT OF THE BUILDING!!!"
  8. Ah, that's great. Thank you to rocket or whoever put this in :)
  9. Heh.. One problem with this, you can server hop to avoid this. Seems to encourage server hoppers now D:
  10. Ah, thank you. You haz my beans!
  11. So, my friend says now when you reconnect you pass out for 5 minutes. Is this true? If so, that'd be pretty nice. So many people who reconnect in PVP... The only problem I have is when I reconnect on first spawn, trying to see where I am.